Chris Mooney-Singh (b. 1956) is the founder of Poetry Slam in Singapore. Of Australian Irish descent, Mooney-Singh adopted Sikhism in 1989. He has published two poetry joint collections, two chapbooks, co-edited a poetry anthology, The Penguin Book of Christmas Poems, and has three spoken word CDs, the latest being Living in the Land of the Durian Eaters. Mooney-Singh also has poems published online at Times Online, Mindfire, Umbrella Journal, Cezanne's Carrot, The Chimaera, Stylus, Simply Haiku and QRLS, amongst others . His latest collection is The Laughing Buddha Cab Company was launched at the Singapore Writers Festival (2007). Mooney-Singh was a guest at the Austin International Poetry Festival (2003), the Man Hong Kong International Literary Festival (2004) and the Kuala Lumpur International Literary Festival (2007). Contact:
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