Hélène Cardona is a poet, literary translator and actor, whose most recent books are Life in Suspension (Salmon Poetry, 2016), Dreaming My Animal Selves (Salmon Poetry), Ce que nous portons (Éditions du Cygne), her translation of Dorianne Laux, and Beyond Elsewhere (White Pine Press, 2016), her translation of Gabriel Arnou-Laujeac. She wrote her thesis on Henry James for her Master's in English & American Literature from the Sorbonne, taught at Hamilton College and Loyola Marymount University, and received fellowships from the Goethe-Institut & Universidad Internacional de Andalucía. She co-edits Fulcrum: An Anthology of Poetry and Aesthetics, Dublin Poetry Review, Levure Littéraire, is a contributor to The London Magazine, and co-producer of the documentary Pablo Neruda: The Poet’s Calling. Publications include Washington Square, Poetry International, Irish Literary Times, The Warwick Review, Plume, World Literature Today, and elsewhere. Visit her website for more information. [ Poetry]
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