Arthur Leung helped select the poetry. See his Cha profile.
 Royston Tester helped select the prose. See his Cha profile.
 Angelo B. Ancheta attended the University of the Philippines and took an engineering course. However, he ended up doing computer programs thinking that software engineering is problem solving. He has been writing poems and essays since high school. His haiku have appeared in journals both online and off such as The Heron’s Nest, Modern Haiku, Simply Haiku, Haiku News, Haiku Reality, A Hundred Gourds, Notes from the Gean Tree. His first micro fiction “SEEDS” earned a Certificate of Distinction in 2011 from the Intergeneration StoryTelling Foundation. His first ghost story placed second in PSICOM’s True Philippine Ghost Stories Contest 2011. [ Read] |
 Anubha Yadav is a writer, academic and film-maker based in New Delhi. She teaches media studies at Delhi University. Her fiction and non fiction pieces have appeared in Out of Print, International Screenwriting Journal, Indian Literature Journal, Epic India, and other national newspapers. At present she is working on a collection of short stories. Visit her website for more information. [ Read] |
 Having lived in Beijing and the UK for some years, Bo Wong is now based in her native Hong Kong, where she continues to live a double life of dream and reality. [ View] |
 Bob Bradshaw has always been the schoolchild who hopes that he doesn't get called on. Even now he never raises his hand. Nevertheless, he is very grateful to the journals that have published his work. His poems can be found at Apple Valley Review, Eclectica, Pedestal, Stirring, Quarterly Literary Review Singapore and many other publications. When he isn't napping he can be reached at
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 Carolyn Lau is currently reading for an MPhil in English Literature at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include modernism, the city and the psychology of modern man, the visual arts and pop culture. These are the people and things she likes in the year 2012 so far (in no particular order): Rainer Maria Rilke, avocadoes, sun-filled museums, Orson Welles, ekphrasis, Graham Greene, The Sunset Boulevard, Madame Bovary and Toshiro Mifune. [Read 1 2] |
 Dorothy M. Place began creative writing after retiring from CSU, Sacramento where she worked as Research Director in the College of Continuing Education. She lives in Davis, California where she writes and when she is not writing, tends her bonsai and thinks about writing. Her short stories have appeared in The Yolo Crow (2008, 2010), The Todd Point Review (2010), bioStories (2012), and the Flagler Review (2012). Her short story "The Full Moon" won first prize in the Mendocino Coast Writers short story contest and the Estelle Frank Fellowship. She has completed her first novel, The Heart to Kill. [ Read] |
 Evelyn A. So's work may be found in Caesura, Red Wheelbarrow (National Edition), Reed Magazine, The Aztec Review, the anthology Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here, and elsewhere. [ Read] |
 Over the past few years, Franky Lau has changed the theme of his work from natural scenery to traditional culture, from Xinjiang to small villages in Guangdong. Hoping to capture Hong Kong's quickly disappearing traditions and past, Lau has also focused recently on photographing the city's historical objects and scenery. He has also begun collecting old Hong Kong images and photos, which he plans to post to Facebook as a means of preserving them for posterity. Franky hopes this project will allow old and young, foreigners and local Chinese alike to experience and remember Hong Kong's disappearing traditions. [ View] |
 Glen Jennings was born in Melbourne and studied in Australia and China. His articles and reviews have appeared in a number of journals and magazines including Arena Magazine, Mattoid, Steep Stairs Review, The Australian Journal of Politics and History and The China Journal. He teaches Literature and is Associate Dean (Academic Operations) in foundation studies at Trinity College, the University of Melbourne. [ Read] |
 Grace Andreacchi is an American-born novelist, poet and playwright. Works include the novels Scarabocchio and Poetry and Fear, Music for Glass Orchestra (Serpent's Tail), Give My Heart Ease (New American Writing Award) and the chapbook Berlin Elegies. Her work appears in Horizon Review, The Literateur, Cabinet des Fées and many other fine places. Andreacchi is also managing editor at Andromache Books and writes the literary blog AMAZING GRACE. She lives in London, UK. Visit her website for more information. [ Read] |
 Hema S. Raman lives in Chennai and her stories have won the regional prize (Asia) in 2007 Commonwealth Broadcasting Association short story contest, first prize in 2010 Katha India Currents short story contest, first prize in 2010 Sampad-British Council international writing contest and first prize in 2011 Indian Women’s Press Corps short story contest. Her stories have also been published in anthologies and magazines. She is a British Council certified creative writing trainer. [ Read] |
 John Wall Barger's poems have appeared in numerous Canadian and international journals, such as The Malahat Review, The Cincinnati Review, The Best Canadian Poetry and The Montreal Prize Global Poetry Anthology. His second collection of poems, Hummingbird, was published by Palimpsest Press in 2012. [ Read] |
 Currently teaching in Guangzhou, Ken Turner is an American who has been working outside of the US for nearly twenty years. He has lived and taught in Congo, Pakistan, Ivory Coast, and Venezuela as well as China. His poems have appeared in print and online in publications such as Southern Poetry Review, Atlanta Review, Silk Road and The Literary Bohemian. Recent work can be found in The Summerset Review, Waccamaw Journal, Switched-On Gutenberg and Cha. [ Read] |
 Kevin Chan wrote: "I dread having to write self-descriptions because there is really not much to say, other than the fact that I'm a translator in Hong Kong and I like taking pictures with my camera phone. The technical limitations of a phone camera force me to be more creative and observant. I'm doing this one-photo-a-day project for 365 days and the pictures can be seen here. Some other photos I've taken can be found here." [ View] |
 Lisa Low resides in Chicago, Illinois, where she teaches elementary school language arts. She holds a BA in English and an MSEd in elementary education, and has lived and studied in the Washington, D.C. area, Houston, TX, and Hong Kong. She is the recipient of recent scholarships to attend the Squaw Valley Community of Writers and the Juniper Summer Writing Institute. [ Read] |
 Marie Yip Wai Shan is a Hong Kong-based photographer and a first-prize winner in SCMP ( South China Morning Post) Portraits of Women Competition (2011). She works in the University of Hong Kong as an administrator. Contact:
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This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it [ View] [ Cha profile] |
 Matthew Wong is an artist based in Hong Kong who works in photography, painting, and poetry. Mostly working without a preconceived concept or plan, he is a firm believer in an open-ended approach and letting each work become itself through gestation and intuition. Wong's creative works can be seen at www.matthewhk.tumblr.com, which is updated on a daily basis as new works constantly emerge. This is the third time his work has been featured in Cha. [ View] |
 Michael Tsang received his BA in English and MPhil in Gender Studies from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is now reading for a PhD degree at the University of Warwick, specializing in postcolonial English literature in Hong Kong. Language and literature are part of his life. He likes to write stories and poems in his spare time, and is devoted to language learning. His ultimate goal is to learn Tibetan and Finnish. Tsang is a Staff Reviewer for Cha. [Read 1 2] [ Cha profile] |
 Nicholas Francis is an Anglo-Welsh writer based in Tokyo. His work is interested in exploring the borders between the modern and the pastoral, the formal and the formless. He has been published in a number of poetry journals including The Delinquent, Obsessed with Pipework, Parthian's Nu Anthology and Cardiff-based Square. He is currently working on a first collection as well as translating a number of Japanese poets into English. [ Read] |
 Rachael Lum is an English Literature student at the University of East Anglia, Norwich and a senior editor of its student newspaper. A native of Malaysia, she stashes her poems and short stories into piles of organised mess until they are ready to be published. She also has a thing for anything lyrical, fantasy-like and remotely Gothic. Visit her website for more information. [ Read] |
 Robert E. Wood teaches at Georgia Tech in Atlanta. His poetry has appeared in Quiddity, Blue Fifth Review, The Chattahoochee Review, Southern Humanities Review, South Carolina Review, Jabberwock Review, Prairie Schooner, NDQ: North Dakota Quarterly, Harpur Palate, The Centrifugal Eye, Poet and Artist, and previously in Cha, as well as in Bigger Than They Appear: Anthology of Very Short Poems (Accents Publishing). His chapbook, Gorizia Notebook, was published by Finishing Line Press and a second, Sleight of Hand, also with FLP, is in press. His book of ekphrastic poems, The Awkward Poses of Others, will be published next summer. [ Read] [ Cha profile] |
 Saptarshi Basu, a Gold Medallist in Mechanical Engineering, has been in the IT industry for the last 8 years and he has worked for the top 3 IT companies of India (INFOSYS,TCS & WIPRO). However, writing has always been his first love and passion. His debut novel Love {Logic} and the God's Algorithm is now a national best-seller in Infibeam, a premier online store. His second novel Autumn in My Heart, published by Vitasta Publishing with Times group launched in november'11, has already created a lot of stir due to its theme on homosexuality. Visit his website for more information. [ Read] |
 Saranyan BV lives in Mumbai. He came to the realm of Literature more as an accident but loves to dwell there. He has published three short stories: "Gold Onions" and "Mirror of Karma" in tellyourstory.com and "Kabuthar ka Kinara" (English) in The Reading Hours. [ Read] |
 A native of Los Angeles living in Kyoto, Sean Lotman's writing and photography have appeared in Reunion, Fringe, Fogged Clarity, The Diverse Arts Project and The Dirty Napkin, among others. His first photobook, Wanderlust, was published in Taipei in 2011. Occasionally he DJs oldtime rock and roll under the moniker, DJ Grapefruit. Please visit his photography website and see more photo-haikus. [ View] |
 Stephanie Guo has been published or is forthcoming in Hanging Loose, Front Porch Review, Eunoia Review, and Cadaverine. She won the 2012 Adroit Prize in Verse and was recently named a Commended Foyle Young Poet of the Year. Guo lives in San Diego, California, with her cat. [ Read] |
 Tom Mangione came to China in 2007 for a brief stint as an intern working with factories in Dongguan, China. Here he discovered that he loved China, but maybe that the rough and tumble world of manufacturing wasn't for him (although man, does he have some stories). After that, he took off to Shanghai to study Mandarin, write and ponder what China is all about. He has been published in the Shanghai's HAL Literature's two anthologies Party Like It's 1984 and Middle Kingdom Underground. He's also the co-founder of United Verses, a bilingual poetry event which helps connect local Chinese and English-language poets. When he is not writing, Mangione also plays in a local folk band called The Horde under the moniker Ho-Tom the Conqueror. [ Read] |
 Viki Holmes is a widely anthologised and prize-winning British poet and performer who began her writing career in Cardiff as part of the Happy Demon poetry collective. She has been living and writing in Hong Kong since 2005. Her poetry has appeared in literary magazines and anthologies in Wales, England, Hong Kong, Australia, Canada, Macao and Singapore. She was twice a finalist in the John Tripp Award for spoken Poetry (Wales) and was a runner-up in Hong Kong's inaugural Poetry Slam. Her first collection, miss moon's class, was published by Chameleon Press (Hong Kong) and she is co-editor of the Haven (Hong Kong) anthology of world women's writing Not A Muse, which was launched at literary festivals in Ubud, Hong Kong and at a variety of locations in the US and Canada, including the 2010 AWP Conference in Denver, Colorado. [ Read] |
 W.F. Lantry, a native of San Diego, received his Maîtrise from L’Université de Nice and holds a PhD in Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Houston. His poetry collections are The Structure of Desire (Little Red Tree 2012) and a chapbook, The Language of Birds (Finishing Line Press 2011). Recent honours include the National Hackney Literary Award in Poetry, Lindberg Foundation International Poetry for Peace Prize (Israel), and in 2012 the Old Red Kimono and Potomac Review Poetry Prizes. His work has appeared in Descant, Gulf Coast and Aesthetica. He currently works in Washington, DC, and is an associate fiction editor at JMWW. Visit his website for more information. [ Read] [ Cha profile] |
 William B. Noseworthy is a PhD candidate in History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His minor is in Diaspora History and Literature and his interests include Borderlands Theory, Highland-Lowland Relations and the History of the South China Sea. Noseworthy additionally holds a Masters of Arts in History and a Bachelors of Arts in History and Religion with minors in East Asian Studies and Jewish Studies. He recently published an article on Vietnamese Literature in The Middle Ground Journal. He has also written articles for Explorations: A Graduate Student Journal of Southeast Asian Studies and Inrasara.com and book reviews for The IIAS Newsletter, Studies on Asia, Explorations, New Asia Books and Cha. With support from a Center for Southeast Asian Studies Fellowship, Noseworthy will spend the fall of 2012 in Vietnam to begin research on his dissertation, tentatively titled "Cham Scholars and 'Remembering the Boundaries,' Akhar Thrah, 1651-1969." The project explores how a diverse group of authors re-solidified their communal identity around a manuscript tradition and created an intellectual middle ground during several centuries of crisis. In his free time, Noseworthy enjoys writing poetry, cooking and playing the guitar. [ Read] |
 Xenia Taiga lives in southern China. A previous short story portfolio of hers came second in a competition run by UK publishers Biscuit. "Harry Cherry Tomatoe" is her first published piece and she's excited that she can finally write something in her bio. She's almost finished her novel, Chinglish, in which Harry Cherry Tomtaoe is one of the principle characters. Xenia lives with a cockatiel called Farkel—or as all her Chinese friends say, "Fucko"—and an Englishman. [ Read] |
 Xie Shi Min graduated from Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) with a B.A. (Hons) in Literature this year. She is interested in history, mythology and current events, and spent seven weeks in Cairo teaching English to destitute children. Her first story, "Incubation," was published in The Ayam Curtain, an anthology of flash fiction which was launched at the Singapore Writers’ Festival 2012. She runs an irreverent blog about Chinese culture called Fuck Yeah Chinese Myths! and can be contacted at
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