Lucas Klein helped select the translation, poetry and prose. See his Cha profile.
 A.K. Ramanujan (1929–1993) was an eminent Indian poet, essayist, and transdisciplinary scholar. From 1962 until his death, he was a professor at the University of Chicago, where he was instrumental in shaping the South Asian Studies program; he also taught at several other U.S. universities. In 1976 the Indian government awarded Ramanujan the Padme Shri, one of its highest civilian awards, for his contributions to Indian literature and linguistics. In 1983, he received a MacArthur Prize Fellowship. (Photograph courtesy of the Estate of A.K. Ramanujan.) [ Translation] |
 Aditi Rao is a writer, educator, and dreamer. Winner of the 2011 Srinivas Rayaprol Prize for Poetry and the 2013 Toto Funds the Arts Creative Writing Award, Rao's poetry has appeared in Four Quarters Magazine, Muse India, Cha and other publications, and her essays have been featured in People Building Peace 2.0 (Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict), Moments that Speak: Images and Stories of Connection (Earth Charter Initiative) and InfochangeIndia. Her first full-length collection of poetry, The Fingers Remember, will be released by Yoda Press in 2014. Visit her website for more information. [ Poetry] |
 Alvin Pang (Singapore, b. 1972) is an award‐winning poet, writer, editor, anthologist, and translator. He has been translated into over fifteen languages, and has appeared in festivals and publications worldwide. His publications include the best-selling What Gives Us Our Names (Math Paper Press, 2011) and When the Barbarians Arrive. (Arc Publications, 2012). [ Photography] |
 Arjun Rajendran lives in Austin, Texas. His previous publications include The Missing Slate, Eclectica, nthposition and SOFTBLOW. He was a finalist in the Atlanta Review 2012 International Poetry Competition and serves as the Poetry Editor of The Four Quarters Magazine. [ Poetry] |
 Barbara Boches's poems have appeared in Solstice, HOOT and (forthcoming) Poet Lore. She holds a BA from Wellesley College and an MBA from Cornell. She has studied the Chinese language and its poetry for several years, but her primary occupation is a mother of two children, both adopted from China. [ Poetry] |
 Canaan Morse is a literary translator and author. He is the Poetry Editor of the new literary quarterly Pathlight: New Chinese Writing. His translations of modern author He Qifang, contemporary author Han Shaogong and poets such as Wong Leung Wo have appeared in The Kenyon Review, Chinese Literature Today, Drawbridge and Words and the World. He is currently translating modern master Ge Fei’s novel The Invisibility Cloak for the New York Review of Books Publishing House while reading an M.A. in Classical Chinese Literature at Peking University. [ Translation] |
 Cathy Bryant worked as a life model, civil servant and childminder before writing full-time. In 2012 she won the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Prize, the Sampad 'Inspired by Tagore' Contest, a Malahat Review Monostich Contest and the Swanezine Poetry Contest, and blogged for the Huffington Post. In 2013 she won the M.R. Jordan Short Fiction Prize and a Creative Futures Literary Gold Award. Bryant's work has been published all over the world. She co-edited the anthologies Best of Manchester Poets Vols. 1, 2 and 3 and her collection, Contains Strong Language and Scenes of a Sexual Nature, was published recently. Visit her website for more detail. [ Poetry] |
 Christopher Lupke (PhD, Cornell University) is associate professor of Chinese and Coordinator of Asian Languages at Washington State University. He concurrently served as the President of the Association for Chinese and Comparative Literature. Lupke has published two edited books: The Magnitude of Ming: Command, Allotment, and Fate in Chinese Culture (University of Hawai'i Press, 2005) and New Perspectives on Contemporary Chinese Poetry (Palgrave Macmillan, 2008) as well as numerous articles and book chapters. Recently, he has guest edited special theme issues of Positions and of JMLC. His forthcoming book Hou Hsiao-hsien is under contract with Cambria Press. He also has completed translations of Peng Ge's novel Setting Moon and Ye Shitao's A History of Taiwan Literature. [ Translation] |
 DeWitt Clinton presented a reading of a few of his adapted poems of Kenneth Rexroth’s 100 Poems from the Chinese at the 2013 Midwest Modern Language Association in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He will present a talk on the challenges of adapting the poems of the 13th Century poetess, Chu Shu Chen (in 100 Poems from the Chinese) at the 2014 Popular Culture Association Conference in Chicago. Verse Wisconsin will publish two of his adaptations of Chu Shu Chen in 2014. A commentary on the popular phrase, “thank you for your service,” is the current post on his blog. [ Poetry] |
 Du Fu (712–770) was a Chinese poet of the Tang Dynasty. [ Translation] |
 Du Mu (803–852) was a Chinese poet of the Tang Dynasty. [ Translation] |
 Dulal Al Monsur, a translator and poet, was born on 10 January 1971 in Pabna, Bangladesh. He completed his BA and MA in English literature from Rajshahi University. He taught English at Mirzapur Cadet College and Pabna Cadet College from 1997 to 2003. Now he teaches English literature at Dhaka Commerce College. He has translated Kaddish for a Child Not Born by Imre Kertész (2000), Witgenstein’s Nephew by Thomas Bernhard (2006), The Art of the Novel by Milan Kundera (2007) and Decolonizing the Mind by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o (2010) into Bangla. He has also translated Fluvial Legends on Stone by Shamim Reza and One Hundred Poems by Abu Karim (Vols. 1 and 2) into English. [ Translation] |
 Eleanor Goodman is a writer and a translator from Chinese. Her work appears in journals such as PN Review, Chutzpah, Pleiades, World Literature Today, Cha and The Best American Poetry website. She is a Research Associate at the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University, and this year she will be at Beijing University on a Fulbright Fellowship. She has held writing residencies at the Vermont Studio Center and the American Academy in Rome. Her book of translations, Something Crosses My Mind: Selected Poems of Wang Xiaoni, was the recipient of a 2013 PEN/Heim Translation Grant and is forthcoming from Zephyr Press. Visit her website for more information. [ Translation | Poetry] |
 Eliot Weinberger’s books of literary essays include Karmic Traces, An Elemental Thing and Oranges & Peanuts for Sale. His political articles are collected in What I Heard About Iraq and What Happened Here: Bush Chronicles. The author of a study of Chinese poetry translation, 19 Ways of Looking at Wang Wei, he is the current translator of the poetry of Bei Dao, the editor of The New Directions Anthology of Classical Chinese Poetry, and the general editor of a new series, Calligrams: Writings from & on China, forthcoming from Chinese University Press of Hong Kong and New York Review Books. Among his translations of Latin American literature are The Poems of Octavio Paz and Jorge Luis Borges’ Selected Non-Fictions. His work has been translated into over thirty languages. [ Poetry] |
 Elizabeth Schultz lives in Lawrence, Kansas, following retirement from the English Department of the University of Kansas. She remains committed to writing about the people and the places she loves, including Herman Melville, her mother, and her friends, Kansas wetlands and prairies, Michigan's Higgins Lake, Japan, where she lived for six years, oceans everywhere. She has published two scholarly books, two books of poetry, a memoir, a collection of short stories, and a collection of essays. Her scholarly and creative work appears in numerous journals and reviews. She is a dedicated advocate for the arts and the environment. [ Poetry] |
 George Life studied Asian Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and poetry at the University of Arizona in Tucson. He has studied, taught and traveled extensively in China, and is now working on a selected translation of the late poems of Du Fu. His own poems can be found at Spiral Orb and The Dictionary Project. He lives at present in Panama and blogs at periplumvia.blogspot.com. [ Translation] |
 He Qifang (1912-1977), a prominent member of the modern literary circle known as the Beijing School, was born into a wealthy landowning family in Sichuan. In an era in which realism and utilitarianism dictated in large part the evolution of Chinese poetry and other literature, his collections Record of Painted Dreams <<画梦录>> and Notes on Returning Home <<还乡杂记>> emerged as entirely unique; written in a smooth yet masterfully controlled stream-of-consciousness style, his essays were a search for "unalloyed tenderness, unalloyed beauty” in simple language. [ Translation] |
 James Shea is the author of Star in the Eye, selected for the Fence Modern Poets Series. His second collection, The Lost Novel, is forthcoming from Fence Books in 2014. His poems have appeared in various journals, including Boston Review, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly and The Iowa Review. An Assistant Professor of English at Nebraska Wesleyan University, he is currently a Visiting Fulbright Scholar in the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing at Hong Kong Baptist University. [ Poetry] [ Cha profile] |
 Janice Ko Luo recently completed her MFA in Creative Writing at Antioch University in Los Angeles and has been a Poetry Editor for the literary and art journal Lunch Ticket. She is a practicing immigration lawyer and she divides her time between New York and California. Some of her poetic influences include Li Qingzhao, James Wright, and César Vallejo. [ Poetry] |
 John Givens teaches fiction writing in Dublin at the Irish Writers Centre. He got his MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, was a Peace Corps Volunteer in South Korea, studied art and language in Kyoto and worked in Tokyo as a writer and editor. Givens has published three novels in the US: Sons of the Pioneers, A Friend in the Police and Living Alone. The Plum Rains, a collection of short stories set in 17th-century Japan, was recently published in Ireland by The Liffey Press. Other stories have appeared in literary journals in the US, Asia and Europe. [ Fiction] |
 Jonathan Stalling is an Associate Professor of English at Oklahoma University specializing in Modern-Contemporary American and East-West Poetics, Comparative Literature and Translation Studies and is the co-founder and editor of Chinese Literature Today and the 21st Century North American-Chinese Literature Research and Translation Series <<21世纪北美中国文学研究著译丛书>> (University of Oklahoma Press) published by China’s Academy of Social Sciences Press. He is the Deputy Director of the Center for the Study of China’s Literature Abroad at Beijing Normal University and is the founder and the director of the MAE Poetry Reading Series at OU. His books include Poetics of Emptiness (Fordham University Press), Grotto Heaven (Chax Press), Yingelishi (Counterpath Press), Winter Sun: The Poetry of Shi Zhi (Oklahoma University Press) and he is an editor of The Chinese Character as a Medium for Poetry (Fordham UP). Stalling’s opera Yingelishi <<吟歌丽诗>> was performed at Yunnan University in 2010 and Winter Sun was a finalist for the National Translation Award. His chapbook: Phonotaxis, co-written with Laura Mullen, is now available on the Conversant website. [ Article] |
 Joshua Burns's poems have appeared at Cha, Housefire and The Bakery. He graduated from the College of William & Mary in 2012 as an English major and Art History minor. Not long after, Cha accepted his poem “Washed in the Washing Machine for Two Minutes” for the winning entry of their “The Past” poetry contest and nominated it for the Pushcart Prize. After a brief detour into the world of audio production, Burns has begun substitute teaching at his middle school. He moonlights as a reviewer for Rabidreads.ca. [ Poetry] |
 Julia Gordon-Bramer is an award-winning poet, writer, scholar, speaker, occasional university professor, and a professional tarot card reader. She has appeared in the Arkansas Review Journal of Delta Studies, Margie: the American Journal of Poetry, and many others. Her book, Fixed Stars Govern a Life: Decoding Sylvia Plath, is forthcoming with Stephen F. Austin State University Press in spring 2014. The Riverfront Times recently voted her St. Louis' Best Local Poet for 2013. She lives in St. Louis with her husband, a clowder of cats, and two grown sons on the periphery. [ Poetry] |
 June Nandy is the author of The Lines Must Die (Cyberwit.net, 2011). Publication credits include qarrtsiluni, Sein und Werden, The Beat, Hudson View, Femina, The Four Quarters Magazine, Kritya, Muse India, Malaysian Poetic Chronicles, Aphelion, and elsewhere. Her work has earned two Best of the Net nominations (2012 & 2010), one Best of Dzanc Books – Best of Web 2011. She is the winner of Azsacra International Poetry Prize 2011 and has an award winning poem in 2009 Poetry Competition with Prakriti Foundation, India. She sings Urdu Ghazals and has given recitals in different concerts and corporate functions. She has also made appearances on Calcutta Television (DD-II) for Youth programmes and musical shows. [ Poetry] |
 Justin Hill’s writing has won the Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize, the Betty Trask and Somerset Maugham Awards. The Washington Post picked The Drink and Dream Teahouse as one of the top novels of 2001, and the Sunday Times picked Shieldwall as a Book of the Year. The Independent on Sunday picked him as one of the Top Twenty Young British Novelists. He studied Old English and Medieval Literature at Durham University and teaches Creative Writing at the City University of Hong Kong. His books have been translated into sixteen languages as well as being banned in China. He’s variously been likened to a George Orwell, a boxer, and Tolstoy. Visit his website for more information. [ Poetry] |
 Kate Rogers's latest poetry collection, City of Stairs, debuted in Toronto and Hong Kong in 2012. She is co-editor of the women’s poetry anthology, Not A Muse: The Inner Lives of Women, with Viki Holmes (Haven Books 2009). Her poetry collection, Painting the Borrowed House (Proverse), appeared in 2008. She is also co-editor of the forthcoming anthology of Hong Kong poets, Outloud Too, with Vaughan Rapahatna and Madeleine Slavick (due out late autumn 2013). [ Poetry] [Cha profile] |
 Khanh Ha’s debut novel FLESH (Black Heron Press) was published in 2012. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Waccamaw Journal, storySouth, Greensboro Review, Poydras Review, The Long Story, Outside in Literary & Travel Magazine, Lunch Ticket, The Missing Slate, Zymbol, Quarterly Literary Review Singapore, among many other places. A three-time Pushcart nominee, Ha's work has also been twice nominated for the Sundress Publications Best of the Net Award. [ Fiction] |
 Kobayashi Issa (1763-1827), better known simply as Issa, was a haiku poet and lay Buddhist priest of the Pure Land sect. He is regarded as one of Japan's four great 'haiku masters'. In his haiku he records his itinerant life, its poverty and its hardships, but also finds solace in his faith and the creatures great and small that inhabit the world with him. [ Translation] |
 Laozi (6th century bce) was considered to be the first philosopher of Chinese Daoism and author of the Daodejing, a primary Daoist writing. [ Translation] |
 Li Shangyin (813–858) was a Chinese poet of the Tang Dynasty. [ Translation] |
 Liu Yong (987–1053) was a Chinese poet of the Song Dynasty. [ Translation] |
 Luca L. is a writer and artist from Singapore. She recently exhibited photographic works that deal with the politics of imaging marginal spaces at Spot Art 2013. She is a final year student in English Literature at the National University of Singapore. Her work can be found here. [ Poetry] |
 Lucas Klein is a writer, translator, and editor whose translations, poems, essays, and articles have appeared at Two Lines, Drunken Boat, Jacket, CLEAR, and PMLA. A graduate of Middlebury College (BA) and Yale University (PhD), he is Assistant Professor in the School of Chinese at the University of Hong Kong. With Haun Saussy and Jonathan Stalling he edited The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry: A Critical Edition, by Ernest Fenollosa and Ezra Pound (Fordham University Press, 2008), and with Clayton Eshleman co-translated a collection of Bei Dao 北島 poems, Endure (Black Widow Press, 2011). His translation Notes on the Mosquito: Selected Poems of Xi Chuan 西川 (New Directions, 2012) won the 2013 Lucien Stryk Prize for Asian poetry in translation and was shortlisted for the Best Translated Book Award in poetry (for more, see here). He is at work translating Tang dynasty poet Li Shangyin 李商隱 and seminal contemporary poet Mang Ke 芒克. [ Editorial | Translation] [ Cha profile] |
 Marjorie Evasco writes in Cebuano-Visayan and English. Her books, Dreamweavers and Ochre Tones both won the National Book Award for Poetry from the Manila Critics' Circle. Skin of Water won for her the SEAWrite award. Her poetry is published in anthologies such as Language for a New Century: Contemporary Poetry from the Middle East, Asia and Beyond and The World Record: International Voices in Southbank Centre’s Poetry Parnassus. She has participated in various literary festivals such as the Vancouver Writers Festival, the WordFeast in Singapore, the Man Hong Kong Literary Festival, the XVIII International Festival of Poetry in Medellin, Colombia, the VI International Poetry Festival in Granada, Nicaragua, and the 2012 Poetry Parnassus Festival of Southbank Centre in London. She was also a writing fellow in the International Writing Program of the University of Iowa in 2002. Her poems have been translated into many languages, among these German, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Estonian and Kannada. Recent publications can be found in Prairie Schooner, Axon Journal, Galeriapaloma and Cordite. [ Poetry] |
 Matthew Turner is an American poet who divides his time between New York and Beijing. He is the author of a self-titled chapbook (CONC Press, 2010) and is currently translating Lu Xun's Wild Grass. His poetry has appeared in elimae and onedit, among other journals. He has been a guest poet at the Bookworm International Literary Festival (Beijing), the Program for Chinese and American Poetry Exchange (Hangzhou) and other literary events. He holds degrees from St John's College and Brown University. [ Poetry] |
 Michael Farman is a retired Electronics Engineer who once studied Mandarin at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London. He has published his translations of ancient and classical Chinese poetry in numerous literary and translation magazines and a chapbook Clouds and Rain (Pipers' Ash, 2001). He has contributed to the anthologies A Silver Treasury of Chinese Poetry (Renditions 2003) and 300 Tang poems (White Pine Press 2011). A new anthology Jade Mirror: Women Poets of China, edited by Farman, has just been published by White Pine Press. As a member of ALTA, he has appeared on panels and contributed articles and reviews in the journal Translation Review. [ Translation 1 | Translation 2] |
 An MFA candidate at California State University-Fresno and an editorial intern for The Normal School, Michael Gray attended the Raleigh Review Writer’s Studio Workshop and is a recipient of a 2012 AWP Intro Journals Award and the 2013 Hot Street Emerging Writers Contest in Poetry. He has translated some poems of Yau Ching and completed some self-translations. His work appears in journals as Puerto del Sol, Bitterzoet Magazine and Atwood Magazine, and is forthcoming in Hot Street, Fence, and Poetry East West, among other places. Gray is currently at work translating a manuscript of the contemporary poet Xue Di 雪迪. [ Translation] [ Cha profile] |
 Michael O'Hara studies creative writing at the University of Iowa. His work has appeared in DUM DUM ZINE, Keep This Bag Away From Children and Have U Seen My Whale?. His translation of the Daodejing has been aided by online dictionaries, Red Pine's excellent version with commentaries, Ron Hogan's energetic, fresh interpretation and Aleister Crowley's highly original — if baffling — attempt. [ Translation] |
 Michael Tsang received his BA in English and MPhil in Gender Studies from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is now reading for a PhD degree at the University of Warwick, specializing in postcolonial English literature in Hong Kong. Language and literature are part of his life. He likes to write stories and poems in his spare time, and is devoted to language learning. His ultimate goal is to learn Tibetan and Finnish. Tsang is a Staff Reviewer for Cha. [ Article] [ Cha profile] |
 Nicholas Francis is an Anglo-Welsh writer based in Tokyo. His work is interested in exploring the borders between the modern and the pastoral, the formal and the formless. He has been published in a number of poetry journals including The Delinquent, Obsessed with Pipework, Parthian's Nu Anthology and Cardiff-based Square. He is currently working on a first collection as well as translating a number of Japanese poets into English. [ Translation] |
 Australian by birth and of Montenegrin origin, Pavle Radonic's two and a half years living and writing in a particular back-corner of Singapore—the old Chinese/Malay Geylang quarter—provided unexpected stimulus. Previously his writing has appeared in Australian journals and magazines Wet Ink, Southerly, A Time To Write (NMIT) and upcoming Post Magazine. Radonic has been keeping a literary blog throughout the Singapore stay. [ Creative non-fiction] |
 Pey Pey Oh is currently on the creative writing MPhil at The University of South Wales (Glamorgan). Originally from Malaysia, she completed her MA in Literature in upstate New York, but has now lived in Bath, UK longer than all of these places. She has been published in various anthologies, Magma and is extremely delighted to be a contributor to Cha. [ Poetry] |
 Pui Ying Wong was born in Hong Kong. She is the author of a full length book of poetry Yellow Plum Season (New York Quarterly Books, 2010), two chapbooks: Mementos (Finishing Line Press, 2007), Sonnet for a New Country (Pudding House Press, 2008) and her poems can be found in Boiler Journal, Crannog (Ireland), Gargoyle, Prairie Schooner, The New Poet, The Southampton Review, Ucity Review and Valparaiso Poetry Review, among others. She lives in Cambridge with her husband, the poet Tim Suermondt. [ Poetry] |
 Reid Mitchell is a New Orleanian who teaches at Tsinghua University in Beijing. He has published poems previously in Cha. He has also published in Asia Literary Review, where he currently serves as poetry editor, as well as other online journals. He is also the author of the novel A Man Under Authority. His collaborations with the Hong Kong writer Tammy Ho Lai-Ming have been published as "dialogues" in several online magazines. He holds an MFA from Warren Wilson. [ Translation] [ Cha profile] |
 Sean Prentiss is an assistant professor at Norwich University, creative editor at Backcountry Magazine and co-editor of a craft anthology, The Far Edges of the Fourth Genre, which will be published in March 2014 by Michigan State University Press. His essays, poems, and stories have been published in Brevity, Nimrod, Passages North, Sycamore Review, among other journals. He lives on a lake in northern Vermont. Visit his website for more information. [ Poetry] |
 Shamim Reza, one of the prominent poets of Bangla literature, was born on 8 March 1971 in Jhalokathi district, Bangladesh. He completed his BA Honours and MA in Bangla literature from Jahangirnagar University. He served for a long time as the literary editor and features editor of Ajker Kagoj, a national daily. He started teaching Bangla at Dhaka College, and now he teaches Bangla literature at Jahangirnagar University. Along with writing poetry, he writes short stories, dramas, novels and essays. His books of poetry include Fluvial Legends on Stone (2001), Nalonda, The Daughter of a Far Away World (2004), When Night Falls on Subornonogor (2006) and The School of the Universe (2009). He was awarded the Krittibas Prize for poetry in 2007 from India. [ Translation] |
 Sharmistha Mohanty is the author of three works of fiction, Book One, New Life and Five Movements in Praise, from which the excerpt published in the Ancient Asia Issue of Cha is taken. She has also translated a selection of Rabindranath Tagore’s fiction, Broken Nest and Other Stories. Mohanty is the founder editor of the online journal Almost Island and the initiator of the Almost Island Dialogues series, an annual international writers meet held in New Delhi. Almost Island has also begun a publishing imprint for both prose and poetry and has three books till date. She is currently on the International Faculty for the Creative Writing MFA at the City University of Hong Kong. Mohanty has received a fellowship from the Ministry of Culture in India, as well as from the Akademie Schloss Solitude in Germany. [ Fiction] |
 Stephanie V Sears is a French-American ethnologist (PhD, University of Paris, EHESS) specialising in South Pacific cultures, a freelance journalist focusing primarily on equestrian, wildlife and environmental subjects, an essayist and a poet. She mostly shares her time between Europe and the United States, but has also made numerous trips to Far East Asia. These voyages have influenced her poetry, which has been, or will soon be, published in Aoife's Kiss, Empirical, Link (December 2013), Nimrod (Spring 2014), Poetry Salzburg, Iodine, The California Quarterly, Haggard & Halloo, among others. [ Poetry] |
 Steven Schroeder is a poet and visual artist who has spent many years moonlighting as a philosophy professor. His most recent collections are Turn and Raging for the Exit (with David Breeden). Visit his website for more information. [ Poetry] |
 Stuart Christie teaches in Hong Kong where he has been living since 1999. His favorite activity is playing with his daughters, Genevieve and Ava, whose poetry inspires him everyday and who thankfully still wonder why buses don't have feet. [ Poetry] |
 Stuart Greenhouse is the author of the chapbook What Remains (Poetry Society of America). New poems are recently out in Denver Quarterly and on Web Conjunctions. [ Poetry] |
 Tao Yuanming (365–427) was a Chinese poet of the Six Dynasties period. [ Translation] |
 W.F. Lantry’s poetry collections are The Structure of Desire (Little Red Tree 2012), winner of a 2013 Nautilus Award in Poetry, a chapbook, The Language of Birds (Finishing Line 2011) and a forthcoming collection The Book of Maps. Recent honors include the National Hackney Literary Award in Poetry, CutBank Patricia Goedicke Prize, Lindberg Foundation International Poetry for Peace Prize (in Israel) and Potomac Review Prize. His work has appeared widely in print and online, in publications such as Atlanta Review, Descant, Gulf Coast and Aesthetica. He is an associate fiction editor at JMWW. Visit his website for more information. [ Poetry] [ Cha profile] |
 Xi Chuan 西川, born in 1963, is a poet, essayist, and translator. His selected poems, Notes on the Mosquito (New Directions, 2012), translated by Lucas Klein, was shortlisted for the Best Translated Book Award in poetry and won the 2013 Lucien Stryk Prize for Asian poetry in translation. He currently teaches classical Chinese literature at the Central Academy for Fine Arts in Beijing. [ Translation] |
 Xiao Kaiyu published his first poems in 1987, and since then has become increasingly productive as well as increasingly complex in his poetic expression. Born in Heping township, Zhongjiang county, Sichuan Province, he graduated from the Sichuan Mianyang Institute of Chinese Medicine and practiced Chinese medicine for a number of years. In 1993, he moved to Shanghai and took up work as a news reporter, teacher and editor. He lived in Germany for three years in the late 1990s, before returning to China in the early 2000s where he assumed a position as professor of Chinese literature at Henan University in Kaifeng. [ Translation] |
 Xiao Pinpin(小品品)is currently reading psychology in the University of the Philippines. [ Poetry] |
 Xie Shi Min graduated from Nanyang Technological University with a B.A. (Hons) in Literature in 2012. She is interested in history, mythology and current events. Her flash fiction has been published in The Ayam Curtain, 24 Flavours: Sushi, and an ironically named anthology called Dolphin Meat. She runs an irreverent blog about Chinese culture called Fuck Yeah Chinese Myths!. Email:
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[ Fiction] |
 Zhou Tingfeng was born in Guangzhou but grew up in a small countryside town in New Zealand. He has written for the cultural journal The Lumière Reader. Zhou currently lives in Beijing, where he works as the Art & Film Editor for Time Out. [ Fiction] |