Guest Editors and Contest Judge |
 Arthur Leung, Associate Editor of Cha, helped select the poetry in the Seventh Anniversary Issue of the journal. He holds an MFA in creative writing (with distinction) from the University of Hong Kong and his poems have been widely published in print magazines, anthologies and online journals. He is a regular performer of his poetry, having been featured in the Hong Kong Literature Festival, Hong Kong International Literary Festival and invited to give lecture demonstrations in schools. He has also been invited to participate in "Art Talents Pop Up! Poemography Exp." as a contributing poet, and in Hong Kong Baptist University's International Writers Workshop as a local writer. Leung is on the international editorial board of Yuan Yang and he was a winner of the 2008 Edwin Morgan International Poetry Competition. In 2009, he was commended by the Home Affairs Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR government for his outstanding artistic accomplishments. [ Cha profile]  Royston Tester, Associate Editor of Cha, helped select the prose in the Seventh Anniversary Issue of the journal. He is the author of three short fiction collections, You Turn Your Back (2014), Fatty Goes to China (2012), and Summat Else (2004). Two stories, "Seriously" and "Face", were shortlisted for the 2006 CBC Literary Awards. Tester has been jury member for the Commonwealth Fiction Prize, and first reader for the Writers' Union of Canada's Short Prose Competition for Developing Writers. In Canada, he has taught ESL at McMaster University, and fiction-writing at the Humber School for Writers, Toronto. In China, he has been a frequent writer-in-residence at the Red Gate Gallery, Beijing. [ Cha profile]  Jason Eng Hun Lee, a regular contributor to Cha, was one of the two judges (along with Tammy Ho Lai-Ming) of the "Reconcilliation" Poetry Contest. Lee has been published in a number of journals and he has been a finalist for the University of Hong Kong's Poetry Prize (2010) and the Melita Hume Poetry Prize (2012). He currently teaches literature at Hong Kong Baptist University, focusing on Shakespeare and Yeats. [ Cha profile]
 Born in Manila, Philippines and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, Amalia B. Bueno is an educator and writer. Her poems and stories have appeared in various literary journals, anthologies and magazines, including Bamboo Ridge, Hawaiʻi Pacific Review, and Tinfish. She is currently a PhD candidate in English at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. [ Poetry] |
 Amy Lewis works in the field of higher education and specialises in international education and cultural studies. She presently resides in Hong Kong and works for the University of Hong Kong. A native of the United States, Lewis has also lived several years throughout East Asia including Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, China and traveled to more than 30 countries. Part educator and part explorer, traveling inspires her cultural curiosity and creative works such as storytelling, mixed media, and photography. Her photography of Bhutan focuses on the natural soaring beauty of the Himalayas and devout religious traditions. [ Photography] |
 Angela Gabrielle Fabunan, 25, attained her BA from Bowdoin College and is pursuing her MA in Creative Writing at the University of the Philippines. Her work has appeared in The Ofi Press Magazine and The Philippine Daily Inquirer. She is an aspiring poet and fictionist, with a love of throwing around words like playing with a yo-yo. Her early inspirations came from picture books that emerged from Mom's balikbayan boxes when Mom came home from travels. Until now, the balikbayan culture, going to and from the homeland, continues to intrigue her; and the definition of "home" continues to elude her. [ Poetry] |
 Bob Bradshaw is very grateful to the journals that have published his work. His poems can be found at Apple Valley Review, Cha, Eclectica, Pedestal, Quarterly Literary Review Singapore, Stirring and many other publications. When he isn't napping he can be reached at
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[ Poetry] [ Cha profile] |
 Bob Percival is presently completing a PhD in Creative Writing from Southern Cross University in Australia, having lived four years in China writinga novel, and two years in Myanmar completing his study. Attempting to differentiate one city from another through a focus on the Zach Hyamn's Square Inch Anthropology website for the inspiration behind the name. [ Photography] |
 Camille Rivera is an MA Creative Writing student at University of the Philippines Diliman. She was a fellow for poetry at the 53rd Silliman University National Writers Workshop. Her poems have appeared in Philippines Free Press, Grasslimb Literary Journal and the 53rd Silliman batch anthology. She lives in Angono, Rizal. [ Poetry] |
 Carolyn Lau is currently reading for an MPhil in English Literature at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include modernism, the city and the psychology of modern man, the visual arts and pop culture. These are the people and things she likes in the year 2012 so far (in no particular order): Rainer Maria Rilke, avocadoes, sun-filled museums, Orson Welles, ekphrasis, Graham Greene, The Sunset Boulevard, Madame Bovary and Toshiro Mifune. [ Reviews] |
 Chen Chen's work has appeared/is forthcoming in Poetry, The Massachusetts Review, Narrative, Cutthroat, DIAGRAM, Tupelo Quarterly, [PANK], Codex Journal, among others. He is a Kundiman Fellow, a University Fellow in Syracuse University's MFA program, and a Poetry Editor for Salt Hill. Visit his website for more information. [ Poetry] |
 Chip Dameron, who lives in south Texas, has published five collections of poems. His forthcoming collections are Drinking from the River: New and Selected Poems, 1975-2015 (Wings Press) and Waiting for an Etcher (Lamar University Press). Other poems from his travels in China have appeared in Poetry Pacific and Right Hand Pointing. [ Poetry] |
 Based in Hong Kong, Chris Leung travelled a lot in some remote parts of Asia such as Armenia, Georgia, Iran, Laos, Myanmar, Siberia, Tibet, Eastern Turkey as well as Yemen, to capture the unseen scenery of these forgotten lands. He holds an MSc in New Media from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His first solo photo exhibition The World’s Colour was held in Seattle, US on June, 2012. Visit his website for more information. [ Photography] |
 Clara Chow is a Singaporean writer and journalist. Her short stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Quarterly Literary Review Singapore, J unoesq Literary Journal and Blunderbuss Magazine. She also comments on the arts and parenting for The Straits Times and South China Morning Post. [ Fiction] |
 David William Hill served as assistant editor for two oral history books from Voice of Witness, Invisible Hands: Voices from the Global Economy (McSweeney’s, 2014) and Underground America: Narratives of Undocumented Lives (McSweeney’s, 2008.) His fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in [PANK], Cha, Chicago Quarterly Review, Arroyo Literary Review, Hobart, J Journal: New Writing On Justice, and Catamaran Literary Reader, among others, as well as in the anthology, As We See It and in Heliography, the inaugural exhibition of Invisible City Audio Tours in Oakland, CA. He was recently a finalist for a Glimmer Train prize and for the 2014 Montana Prize in Fiction, and his stories have been performed live in San Francisco and Berkeley, CA, and by Liars’ League Hong Kong. Once upon a time he co-hosted, with the Flat Earth Collective, a reading and performance series at a great little art gallery called Kokoro in San Francisco’s Tenderloin district. He has taught creative writing at San Francisco State University, Academy of Art University, and City University of Hong Kong. He currently teaches Directed Reading and Critical Writing for City University of Hong Kong’s low-residency MFA program. During the fall, 2014 occupation phase of Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement, he began documenting his experiences in photographs, exploring photography as a form of narrative expression. His photos have since appeared in Cha, Asian American Writers’ Workshop, and Cura: A Literary Magazine of Art and Action. A native of Northern California and former special education teacher, he has lived in Hong Kong since the summer of 2010. [Umbrella Movement 1 | 2] [ Cha profile] |
 Elen Turner is a Western New York-based editor and writer, with a PhD in Indian feminist publishing from the Australian National University. In previous incarnations, she has lived in Australia, Nepal, Japan, New Zealand, the Czech Republic, and the UK. She specialises in South Asian literature in English or in translation, particularly that from India and Nepal, and can be found at [ Reviews] |
 Emily Chow graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University where she majored in comparative literature. After completing her MA and MPhil in English (Literary Studies) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, she continues her study at the same university and is now a PhD candidate. Her research interests include African literature, post-colonial literature, and world literature. She is now conducting research on the Zimbabwean writer Dambudzo Marechera. [Reviews 1 | 2] |
 Erica Plouffe Lazure's flash fiction collection, Heard Around Town, won the 2014 Arcadia Fiction Chapbook Prize and will be published in July 2015. Another chapbook, Dry Dock, by Red Bird Press, is forthcoming in winter 2015. Her fiction has appeared in McSweeney's Quarterly Concern, The Greensboro Review, Meridian, American Short Fiction, The Journal of Micro Literature, Fiction Southeast, Flash: the International Short-Short Story Magazine, and elsewhere. She lives and teaches in Exeter, NH. Visit her website for more information. [ Fiction] |
 Gabriel Jensen Bloch is originally from the United States but has been living on and off in China and Japan since 1999. He is one of those corporate lawyers who pulls out the laptop and works on essays, stories and novels after hours. He is fluent in Chinese and Japanese and is fighting hard to make sure his toddler will some day speak passable English. He has previously been recognized in Glimmer Train's Short Story Contest for New Writers. [ Fiction] |
 Henry W. Leung was born in Zhongshan, then raised in Honolulu and California. He is the author of a chapbook, Paradise Hunger (Swan Scythe, 2012), and the recipient of Kundiman, Soros, and Fulbright fellowships. He is currently in Hong Kong researching its languages and literatures, parsing poems from pronouns. [ Reviews] |
 Ivy Poon is a post-80s Hong-Kong-raised travel writer and photographer. Her travel writings have been published in art plus, a Hong Kong based literary magazine. She received her BA from The University of Hong Kong in 2009, reading English Studies and Comparative Literature. [ Photography] |
 Jeffrey B. Javier is a graduate of the Creative Writing program of the University of the Philippines Mindanao. He lives in Davao City and works from home for an online company. [Reconciliation 1 | 2] |
 Jess C Scott's fiction and non-fiction have appeared in journals and magazines such as Bards & Sages Quarterly, The Online Citizen, and the blog of Akashic Books. She participated in a literary debate at the 2012 Singapore Writers Festival. After several years of writing fiction, a series of strange twists and turns prompted her to become increasingly passionate about human rights and social justice. She is currently a campaign manager at Fund Dreamer, a disruptive crowdfunding platform with a social mission. Follow her on Twitter or visit her website for more information. [ Poetry] |
 Joseph Stanton has published four books of poems: Imaginary Museum: Poems on Art, A Field Guide to the Wildlife of Suburban O'ahu, Cardinal Points, and What the Kite Thinks: A Linked Poem (a renshi collaboration co-authored with Makoto Ōoka, Wing Tek Lum, and Jean Toyama). His other books include Looking for Edward Gorey, The Important Books, and A Hawai'i Anthology. His poems have appeared in Poetry, Harvard Review, Poetry East, Cortland Review, New Letters, Abraxas, New York Quarterly, Bamboo Ridge, and many others. His awards include the Tony Quagliano International Poetry Award, the Cades Award for Literature, and the Ka Palapala Po'okela Award for Excellence in Literature. Ted Kooser selected one of his poems for the "American Life in Poetry" column. He is a Professor of Art History and American Studies at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa. [ Poetry] |
 Joshua Burns's poems have charted at Cha, Handsome, and The Bakery. The themes have run the gamut from ekphrasis to loose sonnets to experimental drama. Poetry as the art of what is formally possible has remained the engine propelling his work. Thus Duchamp and Huang Yong Ping, insidiously mechanical artists, have been the influences pushing him most frequently. He has recently completed reading Fyodor Dostoevsky's Demons translated by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky, Ryū Murakami's Audition translated by Ralph McCarthy, and Sōseki Natsume's I Am A Cat translated by Aiko Ito and Graeme Wilson. [ Poetry] |
 Jyotsna Jha grew up in Calcutta, India, and holds an MPhil in English Literature. She has worked variously as a teacher, copy-writer, editor, and instructional designer. She is a winner of the Random house short-story contest and Cha's poetry writing contest. Her work has featured in anthologies and many literary journals. [ Reconciliation] |
 Karen Ma is a Chinese-American author/journalist based in Beijing. A contributing writer for many international publications, Ma has authored numerous articles on cross-cultural issues for the International Herald Tribune, New York Newsday, The Japan Times, South China Morning Post and the New Delhi-based Mint. Ma is the author of Excess Baggage, a semi-autobiographical novel based loosely on her family's experience as Chinese immigrants living in Tokyo during the 1990s, published in 2013 by China Books. She's also the author of the non-fiction book Modern Madam Butterfly: Fantasy and Reality of Japanese Cross-cultural Relationships, published in 1996 by Charles E. Tuttle. Visit her website for more information. [ Reviews] |
 Kathlene Postma writes, paints, photographs and occasionally dances (the dancing is mostly in her kitchen). She's written and published short stories, essays and poetry in numerous journals. Recently she completed a novel manuscript (set in China and the US) and is at work on another. She edits Silk Road Review, a magazine with a growing focus on writers and artists of Asia. Postma teaches writing and literature at Pacific University, in Oregon. [ Photography] |
 Lo Mei Wa received her BA in Philosophy from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2009 and MPhil from Leiden University in the Netherlands with Leiden University Excellence Scholarship (Platinum) in 2011. Returned to Hong Kong in 2012 from Germany, she is currently a visiting student in poetry from City University's MFA in Creative Writing. Her poems have been published in Atarvic Poetry, Blossomseverywhere, etc. [Umbrella Movement 1 | 2 | 3 | 4] |
 Lu Jin was born in Nanjing, China. She received her secondary and tertiary education in different parts of the world. She now studies English literature in Hong Kong. [ Reviews] |
 Manjiri Indurkar is a writer-journalist and a wannabe poet from New Delhi. Her interests include reading, writing and eating (food and words, equally). Borderline neurotic, a bit of a hypochondriac and dwindling between an inferiority and a superiority complex, she is the co-founder and editor of AntiSerious. She has been published in publications such as The Motherland Magazine, Kindle Magazine, The Newer York, and Northeast Review. [ Reconciliation] |
 Graduated in Central Queensland University, Manson Wong received his BA in multi-media design. His journalistic photography is seen upon his return to Hong Kong across Hong Kong, Taiwan and China, propelled by a momentum in photo documentation. He founded United Social Press in 2013 and is one of the "Ten Photographers of Social Movements in Pre and Post 97". His works and reviews are seen in Voice of Photography. His work However The Stock Moves was selected by Simon Wheahley, ex-photographer from Magnum, as one of the ten finalists of "Photography of Hong Kong 2012". Visit his website for more information. [Umbrella Movement 1 | 2 | 3] |
 Meg Eden Kuyatt's work has been published in various magazines, including Rattle, Drunken Boat, Eleven Eleven, and Rock & Sling. Her work received second place in the 2014 Ian MacMillan Fiction contest. Her collections include Your Son (The Florence Kahn Memorial Award), Rotary Phones and Facebook (Dancing Girl Press) and The Girl Who Came Back (Red Bird Chapbooks). She teaches at the University of Maryland. Vist her Facebook page for more information. [ Reconciliation] |
 Michael Tsang received his BA in English and MPhil in Gender Studies from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is now reading for a PhD degree at the University of Warwick, specialising in postcolonial English literature in Hong Kong. Language and literature are part of his life. He likes to write stories and poems in his spare time, and is devoted to language learning. His ultimate goal is to learn Tibetan and Finnish. Tsang is a Staff Reviewer for Cha and along with Tammy Ho Lai-Ming, Kate Rogers and Michael O'Sullivan, he co-edited the "Whither Hong Kong?" section in the September 2014 issue of the journal. Visit his Warwick profile for more. [ Reviews] [ Cha profile] |
 Naveed Alam's first collection of poems, A Queen of No Ordinary Realms, won the Spokane Poetry Prize, and his work has appeared in a number of literary journals and magazines including The Prairie Schooner, American Poetry Journal, Poetry International, International Poetry Review, Cimmaron Review, and The Canadian Dimension. He's currently working on the translation of works by a 16th century Punjabi poet, Shah Hussein. [ Reconcilliation] |
 Nurulhuda Arslan is a recent graduate of Nanyang Technological University, where she pursued a degree in English with a minor in Creative Writing. Although she mostly dabbles in poetry and creative non-fiction, she has recently tried her hand at comics scripting and finds the challenge of a new genre rewarding. She is currently working on a graphic novel and a collection of short stories. Her work has appeared in Quarterly Literary Review Singapore. [ Creative non-fiction] |
 Winner of the 2014 Intro Prize in Poetry by Four Way Books Rajiv Mohabir's The Taxidermist's Cut is forthcoming in Spring 2016. He received fellowships from Voices of Our Nation's Artist foundation, Kundiman, and the American Institute of Indian Studies language program and his poetry and translations have been published or are forthcoming from journals such as Prairie Schooner, Crab Orchard Review, Drunken Boat, Asian American Literary Review, and diode. He completed his MFA at Queens College where he was Editor in Chief of the Ozone Park Literary Journal. Mohabir is currently pursuing a PhD from the University of Hawai`i. [ Poetry] |
 Ravi Shankar is the founding editor of Drunken Boat and the author/editor/publisher of 10 books and chapbooks of poetry, including W.W. Norton & Co.'s Language for a New Century: Contemporary Poetry from Asia, the Middle East & Beyond and What Else Could it Be (Carolina Wren, 2015). He has won a Pushcart Prize, appeared in The New York Times, The Paris Review, The San Francisco Chronicle and on BBC and NPR. He is a Professor of English CCSU and teaches in the first international MFA Program at City University of Hong Kong. [ Poetry] |
 Robert Perchan's poetry chapbooks are Mythic Instinct Afternoon (2005 Poetry West Prize) and Overdressed to Kill (Backwaters Press, 2005 Weldon Kees Award). His poetry collection Fluid in Darkness, Frozen in Light won the 1999 Pearl Poetry Prize and was published by Pearl Editions in 2000. His avant-la-lettre flash novel Perchan's Chorea: Eros and Exile (Watermark Press, Wichita, 1991) was translated into French and published by Quidam Editeurs (Meudon) in 2002. In addition, he was awarded the on-line Entelechy: Mind and Culture Bio-fiction Prize for 2007. He currently resides in Pusan, South Korea. [ Reconciliation] |
 Thaddeus Rutkowski is the author of the novels Haywire, Tetched, and Roughhouse. All three books were finalists for an Asian American Literary Award, and Haywire won the Members' Choice Award, given by the Asian American Writers Workshop. He teaches at Medgar Evers College and the Writer's Voice of the West Side YMCA in New York. His writing has appeared in The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry, The New York Times, The International Herald Tribune, Fiction, Fiction International and other publications. He received a fiction fellowship from the New York Foundation for the Arts. Visit his website for more information. [ Fiction] |
 A first-generation Indian-American, Varsha Saraiya-Shah is a poet and financial professional who lives and works in Houston, Texas. Her work has appeared in Borderlands, Texas Observer, Mutabilis Press anthologies including Five Inprint Poets, University of Texas Press book, Convergence, and elsewhere. She reads her new work regularly among multi-genre writers at Archway Gallery and ekphrastic poetry at Rice Gallery, invited and inspired by new installations. She has studied with poets in various summer and fall workshops including Houston's Inprint House, NY's Sarah Lawrence College, Squaw Valley Community of Writers in California and Reed College, Oregon. [ Poetry] |
 William B. Noseworthy is a PhD candidate in History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His minor is in Diaspora History and Literature and his interests include Borderlands Theory, Highland-Lowland Relations and the History of the South China Sea. Noseworthy writes in Vietnamese and English. He has recently published on the subject of Vietnamese Literature in an the edited volume Vietnamese New Formalism: Reception and Creativity by Sông Hương and Tân Hình Thức Publishing Club and The Middle Ground Journal. A recent essay on goddess worship and localization in the case of Po Ina Nagar appeared in Vietnamese in an edited volume published by Đại Học Quốc Gia. Other pieces on Cham religion have appeared in Vietnamese for The Journal of Research on Cham Culture (Tập Chí Nghiên Cứu Văn Hóa Chăm) and as English language shorts for The IIAS Newsletter. Publications on highland-lowland relations have appeared in Asian Highlands Perspectives and the Austrian Journal for Southeast Asian Studies. He has written reviews for: The IIAS Newsletter, Studies on Asia, Explorations, New Asia Books, and Cha. In his free time, Noseworthy enjoys writing poetry, cooking, and playing the guitar. [ Reviews] |
 Zhang Jieqiang lives in Singapore, and has recently completed an MA in English from Nanyang Technological University. His poems have appeared in Kepulauan: A Collection of Poems (Ethos Books, 2014), Quarterly Literary Review Singapore, One Imperative, and SARE: Southeast Asian Review of English. [ Poetry] |