James Shea is an American writer and the author of two books of poetry, The Lost Novel and Star in the Eye. His poems have appeared in various literary magazines and anthologies such as The New Census: An Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry and Isn’t It Romantic: 100 Love Poems by Younger American Poets. A former Fulbright Scholar in Hong Kong, he is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing at Hong Kong Baptist University. Shea helped select the submissions in the "Writing Japan" Issue of Cha (June 2017). [ Cha profile]  Kyoko Yoshida has a collection of short stories Disorientalism from Vagabond Press in Sydney, and her short story is included in the inaugural issue of Singapore 's Books Actually Gold Standard 2016 anthology. She was born and raised in Fukuoka, studied in Kyoto and Milwaukee, and after thirteen years of teaching English in Yokohama and Tokyo, now teaches American Literature at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto. She was a fellow at University of Iowa and Brown University. She writes fiction in English, translates Japanese poetry and drama into English, and translates American fiction into Japanese. Her latest translations include Dave Eggers’s A Hologram for the King and Gozo Yoshimasu’s Alice Iris Red Horse. Yoshida helped select the submissions in the "Writing Japan" Issue of Cha (June 2017). [ Cha profile]
 A’misa Chiu is a fourth generation Yonsei Japanese American illustrator, zinester, community organiser, and college librarian. She made her first zine in 2008, and from there started her small art press, Eyeball Burp Press. She is passionate about illustrating the Asian Pacific Islander American experience, as well as teaching identity formation and information politics to young activists through the lens of zine making. Chiu is an organiser with the Portland Zine Symposium in Portland, Oregon, the United States. [ Photography & art] |
 Originally from Hong Kong, Aaron Chan is currently reading for a PhD in Education at the University of Glasgow. Having taught English in a Hong Kong secondary school for three years, he has decided to turn a new page and return to academia. He is now working on a thesis about the conflicting discourses in and about institutional education as represented in children’s literature. His research interests include children's literature, education and pedagogy. Visit his blog for more information. [ Reviews] |
 Akira Kisa was born in Kagawa prefecture in 1977. He now lives in Tokyo. He's always been a reader. In his mid 20's, he exclusively read manga but his current interest is history. Since his fatal encounter with Bibliobattle, he's been searching for better ways to communicate his thought to others. Wanting to win more battles, he signed up for Interactive System of Inter-Scores Editing School where he met Miho Kinnas who translated his essay. He realised that many good battlers were librarians. That's why he now works as a librarian at a public library. He organises Bibliobattles at his library. [ Creative non-fiction] |
 Writer-translator-artist Alfred Birnbaum first came to Tokyo in 1960 and has lived in Japan for more than forty years. His translations focus on Japanese art, architecture and design as well as contemporary literature, most notably Haruki Murakami (Sasakawa Foundation Translation Award 2001), Tatsuhiko Shibusawa, Miyabe Miyuki, Ikezawa Natsuki and Toshihiko Yahagi. His co-translation of the Burmese novel Smile as They Bow by Nu Nu Yi Inwa was shortlisted for the 2007 Man Asia Literary Prize. His activities in art include scripting and performing with the Kyoto-based media art group Dumb Type. He is currently writing an occult academic satire based on The Tale of Genji and creating photographic scrolls that combine digital collage with overpainting and calligraphy. [ Fiction] |
 Ankur Agarwal is from India and has an MA in Intercultural Communication & Training from INALCO (Paris, France). His poetry can be found in, among other places, Paper Wall, Barnwood Poetry Magazine, Mascara Literary Review, Other Poetry and Halfway Down the Stairs. He also reviews cinema, mostly European and Asian, at Great Movie Reviews. [ Reviews] [ Cha profile] |
 Chan Lai-kuen (a.k.a. Dead Cat) was born in Hong Kong. She graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a degree in English, and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (taken in Hong Kong) with a degree in fine art. Her book of poetry Were the Singing Cats (《有貓在歌唱》2010) was awarded Recommendation Prize of the 11th Hong Kong Biennial Awards for Chinese Literature. Prose collection Kyoto that Cannot be Reached (《不能抵達的京都》) was published in 2015. Bilingual poetry selection City of Dead Stars is published in 2014. Chan also creates works of visual art. [ Poetry] |
 Christopher Leibow is a poet, a visual artist and a Buddhist Practice Leader. He is an MFA graduate of Antioch and has been published in numerous journals and online, including Juked, Interim, Barrow Street and Cricket Online Review. His art has appeared in Lumina, 491 Magazine and has been previously featured at Cha and OF ZOOS. He is a two-time Pushcart nominee. Leibow currently lives in Salt Lake City, with wife Linnea, son Teague and son on the way, Ronen and of course their dog Penelope. Visit his website for more information. [ Photography & art] |
 Collier Nogues's poetry collections are The Ground I Stand On Is Not My Ground (Drunken Boat, 2015) and On the Other Side, Blue (Four Way, 2011). Her work has been supported by fellowships and grants from the MacDowell Colony, the Ucross Foundation, Vermont Studio Center, and Lingnan University. She teaches creative writing in the Chinese University of Hong Kong's MA Program in Literary Studies, and is a PhD Fellow at the University of Hong Kong, where she studies contemporary poetry's response to US militarisation. She also co-edits poetry for Juked and curates Ragged Claws, Hong Kong's English-medium poetry craft talk series. [ Reviews] |
 Detelina Tiholova is an Art teacher from Bulgaria. She graduated in textile design at TU and Photography at Sofia university in 2000 and 2013 respectively. She has written haiku since 1992, and created haiga, both in modern and traditional way, with drawings and photographs since 2004. Tiholova works in the two main fields in haiga, traditional way by drawing with ink (sumi-e), and modern way by photography. She has published haiku and haiga in magazines and anthologies. She has done exhibitions in art and photography . She was ranked in the Rating "100 most creative haiku artists" in Europe in 2015 and she is a member of the Bulgarian Haiku Union. [ Photography & art] |
 Douglas Scott Berman has been living off and on in Hong Kong since 2007, and before that in Taiwan and Cambodia. When he is not reviewing films, he is engaged in the study of literature, philosophy, and the law. He has recently completed an article on the bicentenary of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Biographia Literaria. [ Reviews] |
 Eli K.P. William is the author of two novels set in a future Tokyo: Cash Crash Jubilee (Talos Press 2015) and a sequel called The Naked World (summer 2017). William was born and raised in Toronto, but has spent most of his adult life living in Tokyo, where he works as a Japanese translator. He has also written articles for such publications as the Japan Times, tor.com, Writer's Digest and the Pacific Rim Review of Books. Visit his website for more information. [ Reviews] |
 Eluned Gramich is a Welsh-German writer and translator. She studied English Literature at Oxford University and has an MA in Creative Writing from UEA. Her short fiction has been published in anthologies and magazines, including New Welsh Short Stories, Stand, Rarebit, Planet, Taliesin and O’r Pedwar Gwynt. In 2015, she translated a German short story collection by German Book Prize shortlisted author Monique Schwitter titled Goldfish Memory. Her memoir of Japan, Woman Who Brings the Rain, won the New Welsh Writing Award 2015 and was shortlisted for the Wales Book of the Year 2016. Visit her website for more information. [ Translations] |
 Gregory Dunne is the author of two collections of poetry, Home Test (Adastra Press, 2009) and Fistful of Lotus (2000), and one book of creative nonfiction, Quiet Accomplishment, Remembering Cid Corman (2014, Ekstasis Editions). His work has appeared in numerous magazines, including Crazyhorse, American Poetry Review, Prairie Schooner, and Poetry East. He writes regularly for the Pacific Rim Review of Books and is associate poetry editor (Japan-based) for Kyoto Journal. He lives in Japan and teaches in the Faculty of Comparative Culture at Miyazaki International College. [ Poetry | Translations] |
 Hiromitsu Koiso is a Tokyo-based Japanese translator. He has an MA in Literary Translation from UEA. His Japanese translation of the novel Open City by Teju Cole will be published in July 2017. Visit his wbesite for more information. [ Translations] |
 Ian Yates spends his days teaching, reading, reading, reading and writing when he can. Canadian born and raised, he has spent his entire adult life, about thirteen years now, living in Japan and devouring all the Japan literature and writing he can get his hands on. He writes occasionally for the Kansai Scene magazine, as well as translating for pleasure and in an attempt to some day truly understand the world around him. [ Reviews] |
 James Pate is a poet and fiction writer. His work has appeared in La Petite Zine, Black Warrior Review, Cream City Review, storySouth, Blue Mesa Review, Berkeley Fiction Review, Harpur Palate, Juked, and B O D Y, among other places. He is the author of The Fassbinder Diaries (Civil Coping Mechanisms), and Flowers Among the Carrion (Action Books). He teaches creative writing and philosophy at Shepherd University in Shepherdstown, WV. [ Reviews] |
 Jan Filart is a graduate of Ateneo de Manila University and aspires to be a writer. Passionate about Asian literature, he writes his own book reviews in a personal literary blog, The Asian Reader. He has a particular interest in translated works from Korea and Japan. Just like most bibliophiles, he also happens to write about Formula One racing in his other personal blog. [ Reviews] |
 Recent poems and essays by Jeff Alessandrelli appear/are forthcoming in Witness, Denver Quarterly, The American Poetry Review and P oetry Northwest, among other journals. He's also the author of the full-length collection This Last Time Will Be The First (Burnside Review, 2014). To be released by the British collective Eyewear Publishing in the fall of 2017, Alessandrelli is currently working on a book-length essay examining and commemorating the 20th anniversary of rapper The Notorious B.I.G's death. Additionally, he also directs the vinyl record-only poetry press Fonograf Editions; in 2016 Fonograf put out albums by Eileen Myles and Rae Armantrout and in 2017 it'll put out albums by Alice Notley and Harmony Holiday. [ Poetry] |
 Jennifer Met lives in North Idaho in the USA. Recent work is published or forthcoming in Nimrod, Harpur Palate, Zone 3, Sleet Magazine, Tinderbox, The Heron's Nest, The Lake, Sonic Boom, p acificREVIEW, Frogpond, The Red Moon Anthology, and Haibun Today, among others. Her chapbook Gallery Withheld is from Glass Poetry Press. Visit her website for more information. [ Poetry] |
 Jordan A. Y. Smith (PhD, UCLA, Comparative Literature) is a professor of comparative literature and literary translation in Tokyo. He writes poetry between Japanese and English, and translates poetry and prose. He is Japanese Poetry Editor for Tokyo Poetry Journal, bridging the poetic worlds of the metropolis through translation and criticism. His writings have appeared in journals such as Gendai-shi Techo, U.S.-Japan Women's Journal, and The Comparatist. He has translated works by Yoshimasu Gōzō, Saihate Tahi, Fuzuki Yumi, Alberto Fuguet and many more. [ Creative non-fiction] |
 Joshua Ip is the author of three volumes of poetry: sonnets from the singlish UPSIZE edition (威力加强版) (2015), making love with scrabble tiles (2013), and sonnets from the singlish (2012), which won the Singapore Literature Prize in 2014. He has won prizes in three different categories of the Golden Point Award. He has co-edited six literary anthologies with Math Paper Press and Ethos Books, and is working on a seventh Twin Cities, a twin cinema anthology of Hong Kong and Singapore writing. As part of the literary charity Sing Lit Station, he helps to instigate Singapore Poetry Writing Month (SingPoWriMo), Manuscript Bootcamp, poetry.sg, and many other local literary initiatives. He is currently working on his first graphic novel, Ten Stories Below (2017). Visit his website for more information. {Photograph by Jon Gresham, 2017, all rights reserved.} [ Poetry] |
 Joshua Marie Wilkinson was born and raised in Seattle, USA. He is the author of many books including The Courier's Archive & Hymnal, based on Bashō's Narrow Road to the Deep Interior as well as Meadow Slasher, just released from Black Ocean. He lives in Tucson, Arizona, where he is Associate Professor of English at University of Arizona. Visit his website for more information. [ Poetry] |
 Judy Halebsky's second book, Tree Line, was a finalist for the California Book Award and the Believer Poetry Award, among others. Her poems have been published in Antioch Review, Blackbird, Field, Zyzzyva and elsewhere. Her honours include fellowships from the MacDowell Colony, the Millay Colony and the Vermont Studio Center. Based in Oakland California, she is currently a visiting professor at Dokkyo University in Saitama, Japan. Visit her website for more information. [ Poetry] |
 Kendall Heitzman is an assistant professor of Japanese literature at the University of Iowa, where he teaches courses in Japanese literature, film, and translation studies. He has written articles on Murakami Ryū and Japanese travel television, and his article “The Rise of Women Writers, the Heisei I-novel, and the Contemporary Bundan” appears in the Routledge Handbook of Modern Japanese Literature (2016). His translation of Shibasaki Tomoka's "Right Here, Right Here" was published in the US-Japan Women’s Journal 51 (2017). He is working on a book-length study of the darkly humorous postwar writer Yasuoka Shōtarō. [ Translations] |
 Kimberley Clarke is the co-editor of the Hong Kong Review of Books. She is a postgraduate research student at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, working on G.K. Chesterton and the concept of revolution. Her most recent articles have been published in Politactics (Zero Books, 2016). [ Reviews] |
 Lawrence Lacambra Ypil is a poet and essayist from Cebu, Philippines. He recently received an MFA in Nonfiction Writing from the University of Iowa and an MFA in Poetry from Washington University in St Louis on a Fulbright Scholarship. His first book of poems, The Highest Hiding Place (2009) was given the Madrigal Gonzalez Best First Book Award. His work also straddles the borders between poetry and prose, text and image. He teaches writing at Yale-NUS College in Singapore. [ Reviews] |
 Lester Walbrugh has just returned to South Africa, his home country, after eight years in Japan. He is a member of the editorial team at Type/Cast, a literary journal curated from Cape Town. His stories have been published in DIE LAUGHING, an annual short story anthology spearheaded by South Africa's National Arts Festival, and online journals, The Kalahari Review and ITCH Magazine. He is working on his first novel. [ Fiction] |
 Loren Goodman graduated from Kobe University's PhD program in Sociology in 2005 with a dissertation on the life stories of Japanese professional boxers. He is the author of Famous Americans, selected by W.S. Merwin for the 2002 Yale Series of Younger Poets, Suppository Writing (2008) and New Products (2010). Goodman is an Associate Professor of Creative Writing and English Literature at Yonsei University/Underwood International College in Seoul, Korea, and serves as the UIC Creative Writing Director. [ Poetry] |
 Born in Tokyo and raised in Europe and America, Mariko Nagai studied English/Creative Writing—Poetry at New York University. Her numerous honors include the Erich Maria Remarque Fellowship from New York University, fellowships from the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Akademie Schloss Solitude, UNESCO-Aschberg Bursaries for the Arts, Yaddo, and Writers Center of Norwich, to name a few. She has received the Pushcart Prizes both in poetry and fiction. Her publications include Histories of Bodies: Poems, Dust of Eden, Georgic: Stories, Instructions for the Living and Irradiated Cities (Les Figues, 2016). She is an Associate Professor of creative writing and Japanese literature at Temple University, Japan Campus in Tokyo. [ Translations | Photography & art] |
 Marsha McDonald lives and works between Wisconsin USA, Europe and Japan. She has been awarded Pollock-Krasner, Puffin, Mary Nohl Travel and New York Artist's Fellowships, as well as grants and residencies in Europe and Japan. She has also contributed to platforms for art, fiction and poetry, exhibiting in Venice, Paris, Budapest, Hamburg, New York, California, the American Midwest, and Japan. 2017 publications include The Cantabrigian (USA) and otoliths (AUS). She is currently collaborating with Art+Lit+Lab (WI), an American writing collective (MA) and French fiction writer Anca Cristofovici (Paris). Visit McDonald's website for more information. [ Photography & art] |
 Matt Turner (b.1974, Omaha) is a writer who lives in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Writings of his can be found in Dispatches, Jacket2, Entropy, Spolia, Hyperallergic Weekend, and in the anthology Resist Much, Obey Little (Spuyten Duyvil). His translation of Lu Xun's 1927 book of prose poetry, Wild Grass, is forthcoming from Shanghai's Seaweed Salad Editions. [ Reviews] |
 Mei Chiam, 30-something, is a writer living in the urban wilderness of Borneo. She loves traveling to Japan, drinking tea and going ga-ga over cute animals, although not always in that order. She has also a penchant for abandoned places and remote villages, which are aplenty in Japan. [ Creative non-fiction] |
 Michael Tsang is a native of Hong Kong, and holds a PhD from the University of Warwick, researching on Hong Kong English writing. His broader research interests are on postcolonial and world literature with an Asian focus. He writes stories and poems in his spare time, and is always interested in languages, literatures and cultures. Michael is a Staff Reviewer for Cha and a co-editor of Hong Kong Studies. Visit his Warwick profile for more information. [ Reviews] [ Cha profile] |
 Miho Kinnas is a poet, writer and translator. Her poems and translations appeared in journals including Cha, Poetry Kanto and Star*line. Today, Fish Only (Math Paper Press, 2015) is her first book of poems. She holds an MFA in poetry from City University of Hong Kong. Wanting to cultivate her writing in Japanese, she decided to study at Interactive System of Inter-Scores Editing School where she met the Bibliobattle enthusiast, Akira Kisa. With Kisa's invitation, her debut Bibliobattle took place in February 2017. (She won!) [ Translations] |
 painter / comic artist. lives and works in Kyoto, Japan. In recent years, solo exhibitions have been presented by Trancepop gallery (Kyoto), Popotame book shop&gallery (Tokyo), Druckdealer (Hamburg) etc. new picture book Magic Parka will be published by Akane-shobo (Tokyo) in Autumn 2017. visit his website for more information. [ Comic Strip | Cartoons] |
 Nadine Willems lived and worked as a journalist in Japan for many years before returning to academia in 2008. She obtained her PhD in History from Oxford University in 2015 and now teaches Japanese history at the University of East Anglia in the UK. She specialises in the intellectual and cultural history of modern Japan, with a particular focus on early twentieth-century transnational revolutionary connections between Europe and Japan. Her research interests extend to the history of ethnography, proletarian literature and the development of the discipline of geography in a transnational perspective. [ Translations] |
 Naha Kanie was born in Kanagawa, Japan, in 1980. His poetry collections were twice shortlisted for the Nakahara Chūya Prize: in 2014, for Orchestra Rehearsal and for MU in 2015. In 2016, he won the prize for Yōisareta Shokutaku ( The Laid Table), and was awarded the Elsur Foundation Award. [ Poetry] |
 Naoko Mabon is a Japanese independent curator based in Scotland. She gained an MA from Tama Art University, Tokyo in 2007, and initiated her own curatorial practice WAGON in 2014 after working in contemporary art in Japan and the UK for a decade. Her recent work includes Ilana Halperin: Geologic Intimacy (Yu no Hana), Beppu and Aberdeen (2015-2017); Leaves Without Routes, Taipei (2016); Bushiro Mohri exhibition, AIS, Gunma (2016); Atsuo Hukuda exhibition, Duff House, Aberdeenshire (2016); contribution to Roger Ackling: Between the Lines (2015); among others. She plans to conduct a research residency in Sao Paulo in September 2017. [ Creative non-fiction] |
 Nakagami Nori was born in Tokyo and educated at the University of Hawai'i. She was a participant in the University of Iowa's International Writing Program in 2002. She is the author of Kumano monogatari ( Tales of Kumano, 2009). Her most recent work, Tengu no kairo ( The Goblin Circuit), has just been published by Chikuma Shobō. She is active in Kumano Daigaku, the annual summer symposium founded by her father, the prominent postwar writer Nakagami Kenji (1946-92). "The Phone Call" (Denwa), published in the "Writing Japan" issue of Cha, was nominated for the 2011 Kawabata Yasunari Literary Prize, the most prominent prize for short stories in Japanese. [ Fiction] |
 Penny Yeung was born in the US and grew up in Hong Kong. She is currently a graduate student in Comparative Literature at Rutgers University, New Jersey. [ Reviews] |
 Tokyo-based designer Simon Kalajdjiev graduated from Faculty of Fine Arts in Skopje, Macedonia. He works for the architectural illustration studio at Nikken Sekkei, a leading architecture company in Japan. His work’s major theme is the urban landscape, while before he has worked as a graphic designer, storyboards artist and an art teacher. He has exhibited at many solo and group exhibitions in Macedonia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Italy and Sweden. Twice grand prize winner of international competition “Stars flood the vaulted sky” and 3rd prize winner of int. comp. “Talk-Talk Korea” 2015. He currently lives in Tokyo with his wife Zoria April, who is also a contributor to the "Writing Japan" issue of Cha. You can find out more of Kalajdjiev's work on Behance and Instagram. [ Photography & art] |
 Trane DeVore grew up in the the San Francisco Bay Area, where he lived for most of his adult life before moving to Japan in 2005 to teach at Osaka University. He has published two books of poetry— series/mnemonic (Avec Books, 1999) and Dust Habit (Avec Books, 2005)—and his work has appeared in numerous publications, most recently in the Tokyo Poetry Journal. When he's not busy keeping up with academic work or listening to records, he likes to write and take photographs. [ Poetry] |
 Yoko Danno is Japanese and writes poetry solely in English. Her poems appeared in various international poetry journals and anthologies. Her recent books are trilogy & Hagoromo: A Celestial Robe (Ikuta Press, 2010), Aquamarine (Glass Lyre Press, 2014) and Woman in a Blue Robe (Isobar Press, 2016). The second edition of her translation, Songs and Stories of the Kojiki, a collection of creation myths, songs and historical narratives compiled in eighth-century Japan, was published by Red Moon Press in 2014. She lives in Kobe, Japan. [ Poetry] |
Zoria April holds an MA in English literature and is currently a researcher of Japanese culture and visual poetry at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. She has published two poetry books, Stars and Sparks of a Dream (2000) and Wordigami (2015). Her unpublished manuscript Windhunt (2015) was one of the nominees in the New Voices Award of the International PEN Centre. She has also been one of the awardees of the Best Young Translator Award by the European Union Info Centre in Macedonia. She also does photography and takes part in group exhibitions and her photographs have been published in magazines. [ Poetry] |