Mike Bishop was a senior detective in the UK police service in a previous life. In 1981 he moved to Hong Kong where he served with the Independent Commission Against Corruption until his retirement in 2006. Mike is also a writer and the author of numerous short stories and several books, both fiction and nonfiction. Since his retirement from public service, he spends his time writing, walking in the mountains of Lantau where he lives and wining and dining with friends. Bishop's short story "Switchback" is featured in Love & Lust (2008). [ Read] |
 John Bernard Bourne is a Canadian writer who has traveled extensively around the world and has been published in various journals and anthologies, including Macleans Magazine, Big Pond Rumours, Stellar Showcase Journal, Raven Poetry, Ascent Review, The Monster Book of Canadian Monsters, and Nuit Blanche: Poems for Late Nights. He currently lives and writes in Brockville, Ontario, Canada. Vist his website for more details. [ Read] |
 Tom Chandler is poet laureate of Rhode Island emeritus. He has been named Phi Beta Kappa Poet at Brown University and has been a featured poet at the Robert Frost homestead. His poems have been read by Garrison Keillor on National Public Radio on several occasions. His newest book of poems is Toy Firing Squad. [ Read] |
 Pilot Chu graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2005. He enjoys taking snapshots and loves the spirit of Lomo, XA2, slide films, basketball and travel. He also loves his woman, his family and Hong Kong. Visit his website for more details. Contact:
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 Ashok Gupta has lived for many years in Jakarta, Indonesia and now resides in India. He pretends sometimes to be a management consultant and sometimes a poet. Some of his poems have been published online in Ink Magazine, Paumanok Review, Poetry Repair Shop, Wicked Alice and Slowtrains and in print in Reflections and Times of India. [ Read] |
 viki holmes lived and wrote in Cardiff, Wales for seven years. A regular performer of her poetry, holmes was twice a finalist in the John Tripp Award for Spoken Poetry, and was runner up in Hong Kong's inaugural poetry slam. holmes's poems have been published in England, Macao, Singapore, Tasmania and Wales, as well as in anthologies such as Fifty/Fifty. Some of her poetry has also been translated into Arabic. holmes has studied Egyptology, Welsh language and English literature. She currently lives in Hong Kong where she teaches in a Buddhist kindergarten. Her first collection, miss moon's class, is published by Chameleon Press. holmes was a featured poet of the Man International Hong Kong Literary Festival in 2007 and 2008. [ Read] |
 Yibing Huang was born in Changde, Hunan, China and inherited Tujia ethnic minority blood from his mother. After receiving his B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. in Chinese Literature from Beijing University, he moved to the U.S. in 1993. He holds a second Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of California, Los Angeles. Huang's work of poetry has been published in China since the 1980s and can be found in many anthologies. As a "blindist," he is the author of two books of poetry: Stone Turtle: Poems 1987-2000 (2005) and Approaching Blindness (2005). Most recently, he published Contemporary Chinese Literature: From the Cultural Revolution to the Future (Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), a book that presents case studies of the generation of Chinese writers which spent its formative years during the Cultural Revolution and focuses on this generation's identity shift from "orphans of history" to "cultural bastards." A traveler in the world and having given poetry readings in China and in the U.S., Huang is currently an associate professor of Chinese at Connecticut College. [ Read] |
 Sushma Joshi is a writer and filmmaker from Nepal. Born and brought up in Kathmandu, she went to the USA at 19 to do her undergraduate studies at Brown University. End of the World, her short story collection, is to be published by Rupa for the Indian subcontinent. She has also co-edited New Nepal, New Voices, an anthology of short stories by 16 Nepali writers (Rupa, 2008). Her writings appear in Utne Reader, East of the Web, Cold River Review, Ms. Magazine, Mosaic, Buran, Samar Magazine and elsewhere. Her stories have been translated into Italian, Spanish and Vietnamese, and also appear in textbooks in the Phillipines and Australia. [ Read] |
 Michael Judd is a first-year student in poetry at the Iowa Writers Workshop. He studied Economics and English at Princeton and at Brigham Young University. His awards include an Academy of American Poets Undergraduate Prize, the Mayhew Prizes in Poetry and Short Fiction, and a Ruth Lilly award in fiction. He spent two years as a church missionary in Hong Kong from 2001 to 2003. In addition to his own work, he also translates poetry and fiction from Chinese. [ Read] |
 Larry Lefkowitz was born in the United States and immigrated to Israel in 1972. His stories, poetry and humor have been published in the U.S., Israel and England. Lefkowitz has self-published humor books and is presently looking for a publisher for his upbeat detective novel about a series of murders which take place in a jades museum in California. Among the protagonists are two Chinese-Americans, and the novel is replete with jades information and Chinese aspects. Lefkowitz is married with two children. [ Read] |
 Shirley Geok-lin Lim (b.1944) is one of Hong Kong's most-published writers. Her first collection of poems, Crossing the Peninsula, published by Heinemann Press in 1980, won the Commonwealth Poetry Prize, a first both for an Asian and for a woman. Her memoir, Among the White Moon Faces, received the 1997 American Book Award. Lim is a professor in the English Department at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She has also taught internationally at the National University of Singapore, the National Institute Education of Nanyang Technological University, and was the Chair Professor of English at the University of Hong Kong where she also taught poetry and creative writing. She is the author of two novels Joss and Gold (2002), Sister Swing (2006) and a novel for young adults, Princess Shawl (2008). A collection of poems Listening to the Singer was published by Maya Press in 2007. [ Read] |
 Clint Lorimore is a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar for the 2007/08 school year and is currently studying at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore where he is pursuing an MSc in Strategic Studies. Prior to arriving in Singapore Lorimore served as the Deputy District Director to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Inland Empire region of Southern California. Before working with the Governor's Office, Lorimore worked as the Senior Field Representative to Assemblyman Russ Bogh, California 65th Assembly District. In his spare time Lorimore enjoys reading, keeping up on current events, photography, travel and spending time with friends and family. [ View] |
 Marina Ma was born in Hong Kong and grew up in Indonesia. After spending nine crucial years in Jakarta, she fled back to her birthplace to pursue her studies. She has two degrees from the University of Hong Kong with concentrations in Literature. She took Creative Writing in the final year of her undergraduate studies and has continued writing poetry ever since. Ma currently serves as an editor of Yuan Yang. [ Read] |
 Jonathan Mendelsohn has just returned to Canada after spending 5 years in Japan where, most recently, he taught at Doshisha university in Kyoto. He has a Bachelor's degree in Creative Writing and a Masters in Applied Linguistics. He has previously published in newspapers in Canada and magazines in Japan, including a review of Haruki Murakami's Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman. He is currently working on a novel. Visit his website for more details. [ Read] |
 Maurice Oliver returned to America in 1990 after almost a decade of working as a freelance photographer in Europe. In 1995, he made a life-long dream reality by traveling around the world for eight months. Instead of taking pictures, he recorded the experience in a journal which eventually became poems. And so began his desire to be a poet. His poetry has appeared in numerous national and international publications and literary websites including Potomac Journal, Pebble Lake Review, Taj Mahal Review, Dandelion Magazine, Stride Magazine, and online at Thieves Jargon, Kritya (India), Blue Print Review (Germany), and is forthcoming in The Arabesques Review (Algeria). His forth chapbook, One Remedy Is Travel, was published in August '07 at Origami Condom. Oliver is the editor of Concelebratory Shoehorn Review and lives in Portland, Oregon, where he works as a private tutor. [ Read] |
 Lawrence Pun is a fiction writer and cultural critic who teaches cultural studies and creative writing at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has authored four novellas, Love Pieces (2007), The Lost Land (2005), The Book of Sickness and Forgetting (2001) and The Ruined City (1998) as well as non-fiction works Citiology2 (2007), Citiology (2005) and Bi-gaze (2003). Pun is the editor-in-chief of Milkyway Image, Beyond Imagination (2006), The Tales of i-city (2005) and The Panorama of Wong Kar-wai (2004). Among his awards are Hong Kong Youth Literary Award, Chinese Literary Creative Award, Hong Kong Chinese Literary Biennial Award (novel commendation), and Distinguished Youth Artist Award (Literary Arts) presented by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 2007. His fictions have been widely selected in anthologies in Hong Kong and Mainland China. In 2006, he won the Lee Hysan Foundation Scholarship from the Asian Cultural Council, to spend a year in New York and attend the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa. Contact:
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 Anindita Sengupta's poetry has appeared in Muse India, Talking Poetry, Kritya and In Other Voices (an anthology by Delhi Poetree). She was the winner of the Toto Awards for Creative Writing in 2008. When not penning verse, she works for the India Foundation for the Arts (IFA) and consults with Fida, an international development organisation. She also writes on arts, culture and development for various newspapers. Deeply committed to gender issues, she is founder and editor of Ultra Violet, India's first online community of feminists. Sengupta blogs. [ Read] |
 Sridala Swami's poetry has appeared and forthcoming in Nthposition, Kritya, Muse India, Chandrabhaga, The Little Magazine, New Quest, Wasafiri, 50 Poets 50 Poems, The South Asian Review and The Bloodaxe Book of Contemporary Indian Poets. Three books for very young children, Phani's Funny Chappals, The Flyaway Cradle and Kabadiwala will be published by Pratham later this year. Her first collection of poems, A Reluctant Survivor, was published by The Sahitya Akademi in June 2007. Swami blogs at The Spaniard In The Works. [ Read] |
 Todd Swift was born in St-Lambert, Quebec, Canada. He moved to London in 2004, having lived previously in Budapest and Paris. He is Oxfam Poet In Residence (UK), 2004-ongoing. In that position he edited two best-selling poetry CDs for the charity, Life Lines and Life Lines 2, and ran a widely-attended London reading series for four years. He is Poetry Editor for Nthposition and lectures in Creative Writing at Kingston University at the graduate and undergraduate levels, and is a core tutor for The Poetry School. He also teaches poetry and theory at Birkbeck. He is the editor of many anthologies, including 100 Poets Against The War (Salt, 2003) and four of his own poetry books have been published, Budavox, Cafe Alibi, Rue du Regard and most recently Winter Tennis (2007). His New and Selected Poems is forthcoming from Salmon, Ireland, in 2008. Poems of his have appeared in Jacket, Magma, Dublin Quarterly, Acumen, Poetry London, Poetry Review, Succour, and The Wolf, among many others. They have also appeared in two major anthologies of new Canadian poetry, Open Field, and The New Canon. His blog, EYEWEAR, has been quoted in The Guardian, and is widely read. He has reviewed for Poetry Review, Poetry London, Magma, Books in Canada and The Globe and Mail. Swift has an MA in Creative Writing from UEA, and is completing a PhD in Creative and Critical Writing there. [ Read] |
 David Whitton is kind of British. He has had short stories published on two continents and photo stories exhibited in Hong Kong. Whitton is the co-creator and publisher of Fragrant Projections - a literary lomographic project and book, which is on sale in HK. [ View] |