Front page / February 2008 (Issue 2)

Cha: An Asian Literary Journal

Cha is the first Hong Kong-based online literary quarterly journal dedicated to publishing quality poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, reviews, photography & art from and about Asia.

The second issue of Cha has now been launched. It features works by 23 writers/artists: Robert Abel, John Biggs, David Braden, Michelle Cahill, Sam Ferrer, Richard Freadman, Suzanne Hermanoczki, Clara Hsu, Luisa A. Igloria, Agnes Lam, Mary Lee, Janny Leung, Mark Malby, Debra Moffitt, Chris Mooney-Singh, Ashok Niyogi, Alistair Noon, Alvin Pang, Kay Sexton, Mark Stringer, Todd Swift, Mag Tan and Eddie Tay.

Cha is currently accepting submissions for its third issue, which is scheduled for publication in May 2008. Eddie Tay will serve as our guest editor for the issue and will read the submissions with us. If you are interested in having your works considered for publication in the third issue of Cha, please read our submission guidelines for details.

Website © Cha: An Asian Literary Journal 2007-2018
ISSN 1999-5032
All poems, stories and other contributions copyright to their respective authors unless otherwise noted.