Front page / August 2009 (Issue 8)

Cha: An Asian Literary Journal
NEW: Read A Cup of Fine Tea: Phoebe Tsang's "Song for a Commuting Gravedigger".
NEW: Read A Cup of Fine Tea: Divya Rajan's "Factory Girls".
NEW: Time Out Hong Kong article on Cha.

Cha is the first Hong Kong-based online literary quarterly journal dedicated to publishing quality poetry, short stories, creative non-fiction, drama, and reviews written in English, as well as photography and art. It has a strong focus on Asian-themed creative work or work done by Asian writers and artists. It also publishes established and emerging writers/artists from around the world.

The August 2009 issue of Cha has now been launched. We particularly want to thank Royston Tester for all of his fantastic work reading the submissions with us and helping us put the issue together. It features work by the following writers/artists: Steve Ausherman, Nigel Beale, Amy Cheng, Patrick Donnelly, Viki Holmes, Luisa A. Igloria, Lillian Kwok, Franky Lau, Larry Lefkowitz, Eva Leung, Pierre Lien, Belle Ling Hoi Ching, Christopher Luppi, Jonathan Mendelsohn, Stephen D. Miller, Nikesh Murali, Ng Yi-Sheng, O Thiam Chin, Divya Rajan, Prashani Rambukwella, Vaughan Rapatahana, Kate Rogers, Steven Schroeder, Rohith Sundararaman, Gillian Sze, Kok-Meng Tan, Anne Tibbitts, David C.E. Tneh, Lynn van der Velden-Elliott and Les Wicks.

Our second anniversary issue is due out in November 2009. Once again, poet, novelist and historian Reid Mitchell will lend us his expertise in the role of guest poetry editor and Jonathan Mendelsohn will be guest prose editor. If you are interested in having your work considered for publication in Cha, please read our submission guidelines for details.
Website © Cha: An Asian Literary Journal 2007-2018
ISSN 1999-5032
All poems, stories and other contributions copyright to their respective authors unless otherwise noted.