Contributors / February 2008 (Issue 2)

Luisa A. Igloria
ImageLuisa A. Igloria, originally from Baguio City in the Philippines, is an Associate Professor in the MFA Creative Writing Program and Department of English, Old Dominion University. Recent awards include the 2007 49th Parallel Award for Poetry; the 2007 James Hearst Poetry Prize; and the 2006 National Writers Union Poetry Prize. Igloria has published nine books including Encanto (Anvil, 2004), In the Garden of the Three Islands (Moyer Bell/Asphodel, 1995), and Trill & Mordent (WordTech Editions, 2005). Trill & Mordent was nominated for the 9th annual Library of Virginia Literary Awards (poetry category) in 2006, and received the 2007 Global Filipino Literary Award (co-winner, poetry category). Her tenth book, Juan Luna's Revolver (winner of the Ernest Sandeen Poetry Prize), will be published by the University of Notre Dame Press in Spring 2009. Visit Igloria's website for more details. (Photo by Ina Carino.) [Read]

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Website © Cha: An Asian Literary Journal 2007-2018
ISSN 1999-5032
All poems, stories and other contributions copyright to their respective authors unless otherwise noted.