Contributors / June 2013 (Issue 21)

Lisa Alexander Baron
ImageLisa Alexander Baron is the author of  three collections of poetry. Most recently, Reading the Alphabet of  Trees (Finishing Line, 2007) and Sting and Tell: 31 Tanka (Black Cat Press, 2011). She is working on a new poetry collection prompted by visual art and archaeology. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Chautauqua Literary Review, Confrontation, THEMA, Paterson Literary Review, The Fourth River, Illuminations, Potomac Review, and others. Now retired from practicing law and teaching high school English, she is a recent MFA in Poetry graduate from Vermont College of  Fine Arts. She will teach at LaSalle University in Philadelphia this fall. [Read]

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ISSN 1999-5032
All poems, stories and other contributions copyright to their respective authors unless otherwise noted.