Contributors / June 2013 (Issue 21)

Cathy Adams
ImageCathy Adams’s first novel, This Is What It Smells Like, was recently published by New Libri Press, Washington. Her short stories and essays have been published in Utne, The Philosophical Mother, Relief Journal, Ghoti Magazine, Heliotrope, and WNCWoman, among others. Her writing awards include the Mona Schreiber Award for Fiction, a National League of Pen Women’s Prize, and a National Public Radio News Director’s award. Her work has been aired on Georgia Peachstate and Isothermal Public Radio networks. A native of Alabama and former resident of Georgia and North Carolina, she now lives and writes in Xinzheng, China. [Read]

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ISSN 1999-5032
All poems, stories and other contributions copyright to their respective authors unless otherwise noted.