Contributors / December 2013 (Issue 22)

W.F. Lantry
ImageW.F. Lantry’s poetry collections are The Structure of Desire (Little Red Tree 2012), winner of a 2013 Nautilus Award in Poetry, a chapbook, The Language of Birds (Finishing Line 2011) and a forthcoming collection The Book of Maps. Recent honors include the National Hackney Literary Award in Poetry, CutBank Patricia Goedicke Prize, Lindberg Foundation International Poetry for Peace Prize (in Israel) and Potomac Review Prize. His work has appeared widely in print and online, in publications such as Atlanta Review, Descant, Gulf Coast and Aesthetica. He is an associate fiction editor at JMWW. Visit his website for more information. [Poetry] [Cha profile]

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Website © Cha: An Asian Literary Journal 2007-2018
ISSN 1999-5032
All poems, stories and other contributions copyright to their respective authors unless otherwise noted.