Dulal Al Monsur, a translator and poet, was born on 10 January 1971 in Pabna, Bangladesh. He completed his BA and MA in English literature from Rajshahi University. He taught English at Mirzapur Cadet College and Pabna Cadet College from 1997 to 2003. Now he teaches English literature at Dhaka Commerce College. He has translated Kaddish for a Child Not Born by Imre Kertész (2000), Witgenstein’s Nephew by Thomas Bernhard (2006), The Art of the Novel by Milan Kundera (2007) and Decolonizing the Mind by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o (2010) into Bangla. He has also translated Fluvial Legends on Stone by Shamim Reza and One Hundred Poems by Abu Karim (Vols. 1 and 2) into English. [ Translation]
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