Edward Ragg won the 2012 Cinnamon Press Poetry Award and his first collection of poetry is A Force That Takes (Cinnamon Press, 2013). His poems have appeared in the 2014 Forward Book of Poetry (Faber & Faber, 2013), Lung Jazz: Young British Poets for Oxfam (Eyewear/Cinnamon, 2012), New Poetries IV (Carcanet, 2007) and other anthologies; as well as in Aesthetica, Acumen, Agenda, Cordite Poetry Review, Critical Quarterly, Envoi, Orbis, Other Poetry, Papercuts, Poetry Quarterly, PN Review, Seam and The New Writer. Ragg is Associate Professor in English at Tsinghua University and co-founder, with Fongyee Walker, of Dragon Phoenix Wine Consulting. [ Poetry]
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