David William Hill served as assistant editor for two oral history books from Voice of Witness,
Invisible Hands: Voices from the Global Economy (McSweeney’s, 2014) and
Underground America: Narratives of Undocumented Lives (McSweeney’s, 2008.) His fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in
Chicago Quarterly Review,
Arroyo Literary Review,
J Journal: New Writing On Justice, and
Catamaran Literary Reader, among others, as well as in the anthology,
As We See It and in
Heliography, the inaugural exhibition of
Invisible City Audio Tours in Oakland, CA. He was recently a finalist for a
Glimmer Train prize and for the 2014 Montana Prize in Fiction, and his stories have been performed live in San Francisco and Berkeley, CA, and by Liars’ League Hong Kong. Once upon a time he co-hosted, with the Flat Earth Collective, a reading and performance series at a great little art gallery called Kokoro in San Francisco’s Tenderloin district. He has taught creative writing at San Francisco State University, Academy of Art University, and City University of Hong Kong. He currently teaches Directed Reading and Critical Writing for City University of Hong Kong’s low-residency MFA program. During the fall, 2014 occupation phase of Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement, he began documenting his experiences in photographs, exploring photography as a form of narrative expression. His photos have since appeared in
Asian American Writers’ Workshop, and
Cura: A Literary Magazine of Art and Action. A native of Northern California and former special education teacher, he has lived in Hong Kong since the summer of 2010. [Umbrella Movement
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Cha profile]