Hong Kong, 18th December 2014 |
a photo essay by David William Hill
Familiar chaos has returned to Admiralty. While I was out of town last week, pro-democracy demonstrators took most of their belongings and vacated the occupation site, leaving police to and maintenance crews to clean up what they left behind. Some people remained long enough to allow police to arrest them. It’s difficult to know what will happen next, but make no mistake: the fight is certainly far from over. It’s only this phase that has reached its conclusion. Notice in the photos how gray everything is now. It’s also very noisy there again. And it’s strange not being able to walk down the middle of those roads anymore.

Not so long ago, tens of thousands of people came together on these roads.

Maintenance crews were working in the area where the organic garden had been planted. This morning, the guy shown here was carefully digging up small plants and putting them in pots.

These barricades are chained up just outside the government headquarters.


The Lennon Wall has been stripped clean.

'WE'LL BE BACK!!' See also: |