Khairani Barokka (Jakarta, 1985) is a writer, poet, artist, and disability and arts (self-)advocate. Working, teaching, and published internationally, she's the creator of solo poetry/art show Eve and Mary Are Having Coffee, which has been performed at Edinburgh Fringe and elsewhere, has presented work in nine countries, and has received six residencies with a seventh forthcoming, including the first Vermont Studio Center writers' residency held by an Indonesian, and Emerging Writers' Festival's Inaugural International Writers' Residency. Her current projects include co-editing HEAT, an anthology of urban writing set in SE Asia (Buku Fixi Publishing 2016), authoring her first poetry-Braille-art book (Tilted Axis Press 2016), and her writing/art PhD project at Goldsmiths. Visit her website or follow her on Twitter for more information. [ Poetry]
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