bubble swells, life or hysteria?
bubble contains a person
bubble contains a raced person
bubble contains a question
bubble shrieks
bubble wet with control
bubble swallows up
bubble disinfected
bubble scrubs
bubble what the fuck
bubble stabs
bubble loong memory
bubble black like burnt dog black
bubble glitters
bubble grinds the backside against the column drum, hard
bubble flexxxible
bubble bitches
bubble dirty grooving
bubble goes on sale
bubble elegant like frankenstein + quasimodo elegant
bubble dies in the back of the queue
bubble eyes the sleepy protest
bubble bawling
bubble catches colds die luft der freiheit weht
bubble pushed into the pond mummy it’s full of mud
bubble thawing
bubble no hands, all hands
bubble houses a colony of ants in the hair
bubble bangs no man, all man
bubble lifelogs
bubble takes no gifts
bubble bashes the head with the knee no more beady crown
bubble birdbrained
bubble takes off the face
bubble places the face in the fridge
bubble walks out of the screen
/// Source: Group Word ///
Quyen Nguyen studies literature and art history at Stanford University. Besides research and translation, she occasionally makes poems.
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+1 (650) 714-3616 die luft der freiheit weht