Photography & art / October 2017 (Issue 37)

Transitory Space Beijing

by Leah Oates

1. Transitory Space Beijing, China #6


2. Transitory Space Beijing, China #3


3. Transitory Space Beijing, China #7, Color Photography, 2008-2009



4. Transitory Space Beijing, China #11, Color Photography, 2008-2009



5. Transitory Space Beijing, China #2, Color Photography, 2008-2009


6. Transitory Space Beijing, China #4, Color Photography, 2008-2009


7. Transitory Space Beijing, China #12, Color Photography, 2008-2009


8. Transitory Space Beijing, China #13, Color Photography, 2008-2009


9. Transitory Space Beijing, China Electric #1, Color Photography, 2008-2009



10. Transitory Space Beijing, China Electric #2, Color Photography, 2008-2009


Website © Cha: An Asian Literary Journal 2007-2018
ISSN 1999-5032
All poems, stories and other contributions copyright to their respective authors unless otherwise noted.