Contributors / February 2009 (Issue 6)

Bryan Thao Worra
ImageBryan Thao Worra is the Laotian American author of On the Other Side of the Eye (Sam's Dot, 2007), Winter Ink (Minnesota Center for Book Arts, 2008) and the chapbooks The Tuk Tuk Diaries: My Dinner With Cluster Bombs (Unarmed, 2003) and Touching Detonations (Sphinx House Press, 2003). He holds a Fellowship in Literature from the US National Endowment for the Arts. His new collection, Barrow, will be published by Sam's Dot in 2008. He has won support from the Minnesota State Arts Board, the Loft Literary Center and the Playwrights Center. Visit his blog for more details. [Read]

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ISSN 1999-5032
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