Miriam Bird Greenberg is the author of In the Volcano's Mouth, winner of the 2015 Agnes Lynch Starrett Prize, and All night in the new country. Recipient of fellowships from the US National Endowment for the Arts, the Fine Arts Work Center, and the Poetry Foundation, she has written about nomads, hitchhikers, and hobos living on America's margins, and is currently at work on a fieldwork-derived manuscript about the economic migrants and asylum seekers of Hong Kong's Chungking Mansions. A former Wallace Stegner Fellow, she was the 2017 Creative Writing Resident at the National University of Singapore. The two poems published in Issue 39 of Cha are part of a longer sequence examining rural-to-urban migration along a short stretch of the Tea-Horse trade route, which runs from Yunnan province to Bengal. [ Poetry]
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