by Duo Duo, translated from Chinese by Lucas Klein
来,已跟着去 为无知而来而去
一如水之流动 所带走的,所补齐的
一如风之演奏 所抒发的,抒展的
逝者投入风铃的声响 好风好消逝
好风来 (2012)
coming has already followed away it comes and goes for ignorance what a flowing as of water has taken, has filled in what a performance as of wind has lyricized, laid out the dead endow themselves into the ringing of chimes a fine breeze a fine disappearance a fine breeze coming 从前来的光,唱:离去
闪电的头 那是你的歌 回到动荡的蓝天 你是它的另一种欣喜
活在止处 止于最充分处
明天已经过去 已经给予 过去仍是未知的 已经说出
止境属于你 无人能有那名
LIGHT COMING FROM BEFORE, SING: LEAVE lightning head that is your song go back to a turbulent blue sky you are another of its joys
live at stop stopping where it's fullest
tomorrow's already past already offered the past is still unknown already spoken
the limit belongs to you nobody can have that name
Duo Duo and Lucas Klein