Contributors / October 2018 (Issue 41: Writing Singapore)

Grace Chia
ImageGrace Chia is the author of poetry collections, womango, Cordelia and Mother of All Questions, a short story collection, Every Moving Thing That Lives Shall Be Food, a novel, The Wanderlusters, two nonfiction books and editor of We R Family. Her work has been anthologised in Voice & Verse Poetry Magazine, Twin Cities, Anthology of English Writing in Southeast Asia, The Brooklyn Rail, Singapore Literature in English, Fish Eats Lion, A Luxury We Cannot Afford, From Walden To Woodlands, UnFree Verse, Quarterly Literary Review Singapore, and translated for die horen (German), La Traductiere (French), Six on the Dot (Chinese/Portuguese) and Knijzevne Novine (Serbo-Croat). The inaugural NAC-NTU Writer-in-Residence for 2011-2012, she has been awarded residencies in Macau and Korea. Her poetry collaboration with HK-based photographer Marcel Heijnen on a book about garage dogs will be out by Christmas 2018. [Poetry]

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Website © Cha: An Asian Literary Journal 2007-2018
ISSN 1999-5032
All poems, stories and other contributions copyright to their respective authors unless otherwise noted.