by Vaughan Rapatahana
Xi'an Times hellacious black, the colour, of skies,
season indeterminate…
it might be Spring:
one would never know.
(they kept the weather under wraps.)
those thin coal-inspired flecks,
up snorted ^ frozen nostrils,
as one cycled on icicled days,
a reminder of what might be
should the penumbra ever wink enough
to show the scrawny butts, shared sputum, grafted solid to snapped pavement.
(they billed us automatic heating.)
& when the bike was pinched, I stumbled the mire, feeling my way myopic,
never sure where Xi'an went,
where it wanted to go.
New Territory English
Kwok Li dozzzes,
bushy head d r o o p e d, would not matter awake:
knows no more, cares even less.
some other gweilo
glibs & goes,
came at all.
Mr Pang –
deskbound –
dreams downs t a i r s,
new N.E.T needed:
(so what)
roses on a windowsill
in Wan Chai
slip ^ his defences.
r i i asp ng panel chair can't proply pronounce properly
& Kwok Li still snoozes any way.
no one uses English here
no one ever will.
new territory 1, english 0 |