Contributors / November 2009 (Issue 9)

Kate Rogers

Image Kathryn (Kate) Rogers has twice been short-listed for the Winston Collins Best Canadian Poem Prize by Descant Magazine (Toronto) in January 2008 and February 2009. Her poetry, essays and reviews have been published in anthologies and literary magazines in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Canada, the U.S. and the UK. They have appeared in the Asia Literary Review, Many Mountains Moving, Dimsum, Pressed, The New Quarterly, Contemporary Verse II, Canadian Woman Studies, The Mad Woman in the Academy andOrbis International. Her work also appeared in the anthology, We Who Can Fly: Poems, Essays and Memories in Honour of Adele Wiseman. Rogers is co-editor of the international women's poetry anthology Not A Muse (Haven Books, Hong Kong, March 2009); her poetry collection,Painting the Borrowed House, debuted at the Man Hong Kong Literary Festival in March 2008, is available on and from Proverse, Hong Kong. Originally from Toronto, Rogers has been teaching writing, literature an English for Academic and Professional Purposes for colleges and universities in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan for the past ten years. A bi-lingual Chinese and English collection of her essays about conservation, bird watching and culture in Taiwan, The Swallows' Return, was published in June 2006. Rogers currently teaches in the Division of Language Studies at the Community College of City University in Hong Kong. [Read] [Cha profile]

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Website © Cha: An Asian Literary Journal 2007-2018
ISSN 1999-5032
All poems, stories and other contributions copyright to their respective authors unless otherwise noted.