Category: Poetry


Bodies in a Circus

Yao Feng, translated from Chinese by Hans-Georg Moeller

by Yao Feng, translated from Chinese by Hans-Georg Moeller The body, or the flesh, a human organism constituted of cells, muscles, and bones. Linguistically it has different names. Sociologically it hasContinue readingBodies in a Circus


Two Poems

Sara F. Costa

by Sara F. Costa CHINESE INK ON CORK PAPER There is a place of delirium inside me like a neon chrysanthemum. The streets have a contemporary turbulence from the skinContinue readingTwo Poems


Two Poems

Gaaya Cheang, translated from the Chinese by Vai Si

by Gaaya Cheang, translated from the Chinese by Vai Si FISH SAYS you pressed close to the glass and looked at me I did the same to look at youContinue readingTwo Poems


Two Poems

TS Hidalgo

by TS Hidalgo MACAU, ROUNDTRIP At Christmas it’s cold and time: in a dark alley, near Fisherman´s, betting my last yens among interpreters of Russian roulette, defiant before the theaterContinue readingTwo Poems

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